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CREEPY MATRIX! Company launches HEAD and BODY swapping lab _ Redacted with Clayton Morris

Published on 26 May 2024 / In People & Blogs

What if you could swap out your cancer ridden body with a new body? What if you could swap out your Alzheimers racked body with a new one... keeping your consciousness intact? Yes a totally new body but your memories are all still there.

It sounds like it's straight out of a sci-fi novel, but it's happening right now and it's real. I'm talking about the unveiling of the world’s first head transplant system by a new start up company called BrainBridge.

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Mr_Sluggo 7 months ago

Creepy fucks with lots of money would go for this.

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IF this really works - it's incredible.

I just hope that it doesn't run on a Microsoft operating system.

If it does, Bill Gates and Claus Schwab, can exchange their great ideas and swap heads.

When it fucks up half way through, it will give a new meaning to the words, "Screen of Death".

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