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CREEPY VIDEOS That Will Unnerve You!

Published on 10 Sep 2024 / In Entertainment

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KEEPER 3 months ago  

creepy videos perfect for sleeping, enjoy.

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Amiba 3 months ago

It showed a ghost jumping up to flip the bird at the owner of the camera.

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mrghoster 3 months ago

Final comment watch the rest and I must say I can think of pretty plausible answers in the real world scenario for the rest of these clips.

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KEEPER 3 months ago

yeah i watch this stuff to fall asleep to, i have some interest in this stuff if it was real, but these days it's just sleeping material and it worked, i didn't even get through this whole video, i was asleep by the half hour mark. some of these videos are interesting and aren't very long, but sometimes they are long and the longer the better.

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mrghoster 3 months ago

Fuck he got one of the kid's to hide behind the chair when he looked in the tv screen, appropriately one of those slightly opaque screens at that to distort the figure then when he pans back little johnny has slipped behind his chair. Brother give me some credit for intelligence! lol! you can see what you want to see or what you are prompted to see, give me history and possible evidence to work from then justy maybe, but supposition and bullshit doesn't werk my me Mr Realistic! lol! i'll watch the rest but wont comment the obvious anymore!

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mrghoster 3 months ago

The Chair rocking/ Did you spot the electrical lead going from one chair to another? That could have been a small electric cam or airbag pushing the chair from a distance, that lead could have come right round tto where the guy was sitting. The wife wasn't interested because she knows hubby is full of SHIT! lol! It may have also been nothing more than a piece of strong thread causing it. where's the history? was this MODERN house built on an Indian burial ground ort something? lol! Take COVID, the biggest CON and psy-Op in history but still not all of Us fell for that Bullshit either. I didn't, never wore a make or distanced or anything, as for Lockdown I realized I had been in lockdown doe decades already so WTF! lol! How did I avoid all this crap? Easy, but I'm not gonna tell you! lol! It was unbelievably simple how I did it as well! All this stuff gives me hours of laughter and fun just like women and feminism does, boy some of that shit makes my eyes tear up it's so stup[id!

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mrghoster 3 months ago

The bottle cap thing, not enough info. How long was the bottle there since being put down? for one thing.It looks like a simple easily repeatable thing where you can rest a cap on a bottle and if the bottle had been used or shaken the cap WOULD pop off with a small build up of Gas. I've actually before posting this comment just recreated this exact thing with a bottle of lemonade and a loose lid on top. works every time as well, Also have you noticed the position of the bottle in relationship to the video camera? This IS set up. lol! The train thing? Jeeeez! Big foot My ASS. touristy train ride, bigfoot appears in the wide open space? Come on! Mountain Man taking a shit I guess? Non of what Ive seen here is likely to give me an (unexpected) movement well not in my bowels anyways! lol! don't get me wrong I have seen shit I cant explain inf fact I seem to attract it, but some of this stuff is really laughable and easily and not paranormally explained away. The doggies barking because a voice say's "Hi Ya" and a door which by the way is on a Magnettic latch opens? nah! The Dog's were probably reHEARSE'd a few times not to run up to the prankster? I've had doors on magnetic larches pop open when I've had the heating on , I guess it happens as the framer expands and the little metal ball pops as it expands? See pure logic and reason. Mysterious voice still sounds like a male saying "Hi Ya" to me? sorry Callum you prompt didn't full me at all! lol! like I say these people for likes prompt you and actually hint what you are going to supposedly see? Take the one at the start title "The Hand"? Oh! wonder what I'm going to see - surprise surprise I saw a HAND! lol!

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