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Crematorium in north Italy reaching overload as it performs up to 170 cremations per week

Published on 17 Jan 2022 / In News & Politics

s⁣tate of the art crematorium overwhelmed. can only perform 170 cremations per week

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sithsith 3 years ago

Telepathic bro, viruses don't exist, germ theory is fake, terrain theory is the best explanation about what causes illness.
Toxicity in what you eat, breathe and drink are the really causes of disease.
Dr Andrew Kaufman, Stefan Lanka, Thomas Cowan describe how everything from bacteria , fungus , yeast, are just there to eat dead debris inside your body. Viruses are in fact dead cell debris that scientists mistake on purpose or not for what they call viruses, which before the advent of electron microscopes could not be seen.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

This sounds fake as fuck.
Another msm manoeuvre.
That 170 figure would be 1 body per hour non stop, operating 24h a day, 7 days a week.
Now, where have we seen incredibly exaggerated numbers like this before? 1940's anyone?

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Mustang 3 years ago

But what percentage is that compared to the population of Italy??? The survival rate for the Chinese Virus here in the US is 99.95%!!!! And if you crunch the actual numbers who died from the Virus not with the Virus you will be utterly shocked to discover that THERE IS NO PANDEMIC!!!!!! No wonder some refer to the Virus as the Scamdemic!!! Oh by the way, the people who died from the Virus had on average 2.6 co-morbities. In other words, it wasn't just the Virus that killed them. If you are not old and in good health that chances of the Virus killing you are extremely small. Way less than 1%.
People die every day.
Please stop with the Fear Porn. We get enough of that from the Mainstream News Media and the Medical Industrial Big Pharma Complex.

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

You could be right on the money. Just trying to put these videos here to show what they were saying in case they try to lie about it later. I mean these were repeated reports on the news from multiple countries. It's just bizzare.

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Bagoodman 3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: I know why you posted this and TKS even if it's a false flag or a msn fake for fear . I can see how the masses could fall for it- I see what you were talking about .

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

@Bagoodman: I'm just suprised people don't know mote about this and I also suspect it is fake.

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