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Crimewave Britain

Published on 25 Aug 2022 / In Film & Animation

It's a fact, Crime in the UK is out of control. Only the other day some little kids chalked out a Hop Scotch frame in multiple coloured chalk. This terror must stop! I wondered if they kid's had the idea for the rainbow colours or did a Po0lice officer returning from a pride day help them out after all that tiktok dancing? This so called news id typical of the press. Make up a national Crime Wave noe the Hwet WAVE has gone and it covers up thee real CRIM<ES of the "INHUMAIN" Rich and Elites who are currently niking the prices of their own funny worthless FAIT currency on Us. They just don't see that money is subjective to need. The less you need the better off you are. So I've stopped many things and I don't miss any off it. at the end of the day if YOU are sensible the only losers will be the Funny Money brigade. Their DELUSIONS of wealth obviously exist if they didn't we would be talking in 100's and NOT Trillion's. just bigging up something doesn't make it any more worth - Just ask my PENIS! lol


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