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Criminal Border Pt. 2: You Can't Bang A Girl With A Black Pill Mindset!

40 vistas
Publicado en 09 Aug 2024 / En Juego de azar

Game: Criminal Border (Everywhere Adult Games Are Sold!)

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WMHarrison94 7 meses hace

Yeah, this was good. I was thinking yeah it would be cool if it was Hina but I didn't think it would be... she's better than Lidia I think. I just had a feeling like this woman is out of his sphere, but she showed up... As for Black pillers, as long as they aren't simping, I am fine with them, Look Max bro or passport max though as Angry (MGTOW) Guy reported there are passport scams and yeah robbing and murdering now.

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WMHarrison94 7 meses hace

Sorry, you're Nurse one Nope Nurse looks good: I have just been busy. As for clutter, yeah I got a lot of that. I got to start throwing things out, but I kind of like what I have. Anyway, I was thinking about getting some of those corporate furniture the chairs or lounge chair with receptacles... like the usb ports for charging and 60hz plug ins for well laptops or tablets, perhaps one with a tray for laptops or lunch. I have seen them: I worked at corporations with them. I just can't find them in the local furniture stores... guess I should start looking at business furniture stores and online more.

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