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Crocodiles - Darwin awards

53 Vues
Publié le 10 Dec 2023 / Dans Autre

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Jesus they make short work of people.....

And the morons go in swimming - no watch, with a big rifle....


I'd rather a long hose, a water pump and a bucket and about 30 meters from the river and a clear view all around .

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sauger1001 1 an depuis

"My people perish due to lack of knowledge".
Hosea 4:6

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GenerationLESS 1 an depuis

The theme music from "Jaws" would work well.

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pathologicalimbicile 1 an depuis

I got a shark compilation coming. gonna check out that music.

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Swim, swim, swim - "Chomp" - gone.

Like crocodiles are not stupid....

They just tend to think in terms of "Do I have room in my stomach for you?" followed by, "How to catch you and eat you"...

They have been at it since the time of the dinosaurs... so their technique is, it appears, pretty much down pat....

And the only difference between little ones and big ones, is that the bigger ones can fit more in their mouths....

And you know... if I had to crash a plane on the hard dirt with trees, or in the river with the crocs, unless I could come to rest in the very shallow water, on the wide open grassy shoreline...

Fuck I would avoid the water like the plague.

The great (?) salt water crocodile... They eat the feral water buffalo in Australia

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pathologicalimbicile 1 an depuis

how far do you need to go to meet a croc?

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@pathologicalimbicile: Hmmmmm they are down about 1000K or so north of Brisbane on the east coast of Australia - and that is about 2500K north of me.... This is this species range - and they do make open ocean crossings... and can read the currents and weather etc...

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@pathologicalimbicile: I like them and I admire them, just like I don't go "Hop Skip and a Jump" in front of a big fast moving truck.... I would avoid them like the plague and follow the advice of the sincere and experineced, in the northern areas.... Sometimes a swim under a nice garden hose is a better idea than going out on the mud flats or in the rivers and esturies... I'd go swimming in places where there were crocs, if the bushes and shit where far away, the water was not overly deep, view was clear in all directions and I had a sober, bush smart guy with 2 high power rifles in excellent condition, standing watch, from an elevated position, close by...... The bigger they are, the sort of rarer they are, but they only need to be 1/3 to 1/2 grown to take a man... and these fucking things take BIG wild pigs and shit... I would not tempt fate by becoming easily caught bait.

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@pathologicalimbicile: This is an exceptionally rare HUGE wild pig...

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@pathologicalimbicile: This is more the kind of typical size for an adult wild pig...

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bigintol03 1 an depuis

They all think they can tame those things!

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pathologicalimbicile 1 an depuis

lets pet the crocodile!

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bigintol03 1 an depuis

@pathologicalimbicile: You do it, I'll watch!

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