Crowder Is Red-Pilled On Male Domestic Abuse Victims
Published on 24 Apr 2022 / In
Film & Animation
Because of the recent Johnny Depp defamation trial Crowder talks about how a lot of men are suffering in silence from domestic abuse.
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Crowder is a TradCuck, who constantly white knights for Feminist women like J.K. Rowling (who hates men, btw) just because they have a shared hatred for trannies, but even men like him are waking up to just how bad it is for men to get into relationships with women nowadays.
The only reason the stats are NOT due to greed and evilness of the lawyers , judges ,and the cops / military that knownally white knight for this. They are NOT hero's or worthy of honor... they are cowards NOT upholding their oaths to protect against domestic enemies.