CUCK MURPHY: F*CK YOU @Tim Pool for having FRAUDS @FreshandFit & @Jack Murphy Live on your podcast @Timcast IRL !
Published on 27 Dec 2021 / In
Film & Animation
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Dnovan Sharpe too? I di not know that, but i usually do not listen to him. I do not this MAGA Anthony Jonson, but I stz arted to like him. Is this his channel or a recadt?
Damn! I know they are here! Fit n Fraud I mean on !
You mean "Tim Tool, the guy who straddled the fence so long the post is 3 feet up his ass?"
Yeah, fuck that guy.
Women have 10% smaller brains than men, women have won a pathetic 1% of science Nobel prizes, they are dumber than men by 4 IQ points on average, with a 10% smaller IQ variance than men so lack genius, they have ten times lower testosterone levels than men so are much less aggressive, ambitious, dogged, persistent than men, so achieve far less. They invent nothing, build nothing, create nothing, there are no female Beethovens or Einsteins. Men only tolerate women because men want to penis them, but with 2/3 of women now fat or obese, these women have made themselves unfuckable to slim quality men. Soon, women will lose their two traditional monopolies of vagina and womb, to the sex bots and the artwombs. As the masculist and MGTOW movements spread their ideas to most men, women will go into a deep inferiority complex as reality hits them, realising that women were never great. All cultures value boy babies more than girl babies, since a boy baby is much more likely to grow up to become a highly valuable member of the culture, whereas a girl baby will be just another baby factory, and child raiser, which although vital, is not status worthy, since any woman can do those things. Youre young, so you havent yet been through the fluffie feminist controlled divorce court system, where youll lose your kids with a 90% probability, lose your house, half your wealth, half your stuff, forced to pay for your kids whom youll barely see, and if your ex is a real fluffie manslaving parasite, you may have to pay alimony to her for the rest of your life, with no moral nor legal obligation on her to get off her fat parasitic arse and FIP up. If you want to see what women REALLY think of men (i.e. as cash machines to pay for women to have babies) look at how one mother in FOUR treats her ex-husband after a divorce. Youre just a kid. Grow up. Open your eyes. See the real world. You can learn the fast smart way, by learning from the mistakes of older men, or you can learn the slow dumb way, by gettting dragged through the divorce courts yourself, losing your kids, your house, your money, your life. WAKE UP !