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Cucked By Covid! Didn't See His Girlfriend In One Year - MGTOW

Published on 23 Apr 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Cucked By Covid:

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Gerald. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I'd like to do is cover a reddit post called: "Cucked by COVID. He didn't meet his gf for a year, but she was seeing her "friends" on the regular. Here's the story shared by some anonymous simp on that subreddit has to say and I quote: "I hugged my girlfriend for the first time in a year. I'm an essential worker at a research lab and a hospital & vaccine clinic volunteer. And as the pandemic was picking up in America, my co-workers and I co-signed another apartment lease for a few months so that I wouldn't bring back covid to her. Well at first it wasn't that bad. I was very busy and daily FaceTime calls became once a week, and then she caught Covid in June from an irresponsible friend of hers and I couldn't physically embrace her. I got my vaccine shot back in February, and she got hers a week ago. And I finally got to hug her and smell her. It was amazing. It was worth the body aches the Pfizer shot gave me. I know everyone is scared right now, but do whatever you can to keep your loved ones safe and get the vaccines as soon as you can. So that we can get back to hugging" unquote. So with that out of the way thank you Gerald for the donation and let me dive into this story. There are two possibilities to this tale. It's either fake or it's written by a simp. I don't know which is worse? The clues to it being fake are the promotion of vaccine. If it's a research lab worker then he understands that the so called vaccine doesn't stop you from getting sick but just reduces the symptoms when you do get ill. Also why did the woman wait over two months to get her shot so that she could see him. She was already sick and had antibodies so there would have been almost zero chance of her giving something to him that she can't technically have. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Me The Sandman: Anyways now back to the Coronachan clown world show. My question is why did this woman wait two and half months after her boyfriend got his vaccine to get hers so that they could see each other even though she was already sick before? It doesn't make sense unless the story is fake or if she didn't want to see him. That he was being cucked by covid. A situation like this presents the perfect opportunity to a woman to friend zone a guy while making him believe they are still together. That's what's mostly likely what was happening. Using the pandemic as a sneaky way to separate from a guy while still getting attention from him is genius. Then when they finally do meet. I'm sure in a few weeks we'll hear another heart wrenching story with her saying to him yadda yadda yadda my feelings have changed and I waited to see in you in person a year after I saw you last to tell you that. I didn't want to disrespect you and break up with you when I couldn't see you in person. At least I owed you that much. Which is basically her saying I'm not a monster with mammaries. I just play one on television. This guy seemed so paranoid about covid and doing everything by the book and meanwhile she doesn't care about covid and was going out enough to get it by not taking the proper precautions. She was the irresponsible one and not her friend. Her friend is probably just a poor excuse for her poor behavior and because you love her you'll never question it. When you've got those love goggles on you can't even see when you're being used. Granted if he was coming in contact with covid patients on a daily basis but still if the woman found him attractive enough she would have done anything she could to have seen him. Like getting her vaccine a lot sooner.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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Mustang 4 years ago

The "Vaccine" is not a vaccine at all. It is an EXPERIMENTAL gene therapy. The "Vaccines" do not protect you from getting the Chinese Virus. All it does is mitigate the symptoms if you get it. No thanks. It makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE to take a gene therapy that permanently changes your DNA for a disease that has a 99.97% survival rate. Plus, there are allready 2 simple cures for the Virus---Ivermectin and HCQ+Zink+Zpack..

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hqwebsite 4 years ago

Where did I watch this before? Oh! Yes...


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zdoctor 4 years ago

whaman never go without a man.........dont trust them at all....NEVER. they are all the same and use men each and every day on so many levels its not even funny. i avoid them like the plague. they are not worth an ounce of effort. just build your own life......trust me its worth it. DROP THE MIC AND WALK OFF THE STAGE.

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