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Cult leader and Kool aid


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Published on 04 Mar 2025 / In People & Blogs

It wasn't Kool aid they were drinking.

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WMHarrison94 2 hours ago

Maybe... he just need to get a nut off: Seems to me it's a lot easier if they're all passed out or dead.. They can't bite you or say no. Cult leader? Or Gang fucker? Sadly, seems like most cult leaders want that forbidden fruit of "underage pussy or ass" kind of like the Deep State and all these missing kids in the US... Let me see... rapists is so negative... He was a Forced Inseminator? With a "following." Lol!
Then again, maybe the Fedmafia under the ATF was uhm "was fucking them." Hey, they had a lot of tension and was very secretive about them "guns." Well, as Popp says "We're going to Hell." Uhm, I'm not entirely sure this isn't Hell...(That's the problem of having died trice...)

Flavor Aid is "Cool Aid" ie a powder you add to water...to make a soda alternative... pH and sugar levels are altered.

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