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Cultural Appropriation: White [Straw]-Man Got Me Down

Published on 05 Dec 2019 / In People & Blogs

My perspective on this whole "culture theft/appropriation" thing. Show me where rap music, dreadlocks, slang, language, clothing, etc. are copyrighted/patented by [insert race here]. Every race 'steals' from other races and builds upon it to their benefit, especially when it's objectively better than their own methods/culture at the given time period.

What's done is done. Nothing you can do to change it. But instead of bitching about how the white man stole X from you, how about you actually use the freely available knowledge to better yourself and/or rise above your competition? Everything the white man stole is YOURS FOR THE TAKING! When someone steals your invention, invent something better! I feel no sympathy for those who can only bitch.

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delilahdespised 5 years ago

The new James Bond is going to be a black female. Don't you just hate it when BolshiFems and The Dignified And Noble People Of Color " appropriate " White culture ?

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