Cunt Rafael Nadal explains that he is a simp and a cuck
Published on 06 Jan 2022 / In
Film & Animation
This prostitute "Nadal" keeps on sucking his girlfriend bill gates vagina till she cums.
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holy crap. i mean the dude literally admits he doesn't care to even think critically about what is going on. I believe in freedom of choice but to just blindly listen as the virus mutates indefinitely, new billionaires are slated from blood money, and the vaccine just keeps changing and requires more and more boosters is not logical at all. There is no honor in blind allegiance, at least form a coherent argument for where you stand instead of: Just following orders boss!!
AAaaaa I'm to stupid to Aaaa Research anything on my own . So I will take the shot and maybe DIE !
Keep this video on hand for when he drops over dead like all the other athletes have been doing.