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Cursing DeAnna Lorraine Tesoriero and Nancy Pelosi

235 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 28 Mar 2020 / Im Nachrichten & Politik

Now I am an anarchist/AGTOW and practically all women are statists whether SJW and traddies and I hate them all that are in it. I prove that women these women are the most useless virtue signalling, money thieving pieces of shit abortions ever by throwing in that MGTOW is indeed freedom. They are indeed of zero value shits.

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Toki 5 Jahre vor

DeAnna please. My Honey Select waifus stike that pose far better than you. Their digital faces look more realistic is the best part.

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That traddy is gonna hit the wall in 2 years.

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Toki 5 Jahre vor

DeAnna will be Nancy in a few years.
Makeup and silicone ages the skin very quickly. And who the fuck is paying for this!? Why am I forced to pay taxes so Nancy can be an insecure child and waste Earth money on vanity? It's not helping her either.

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Taxation is theft, I prefer donations because we know what causes our money goes towards like helping men struggle and all.

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Toki 5 Jahre vor

@BlackPilledBeltMonkkido: Did you really call her? That's hilarious. I would have offered her one USSA Gov Fiat Debt Note to blow me. But only $1

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@Toki: Yeah I called the bitch. I hate all politicians anyways because they are all parasites and have publicly called out money uploading the videos the to internet for many years. I'm totally anti-government so this is another thing I do as an AGTOW.

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@Toki: Understand that the black-pilled/AGTOW are totally anti-government/anti-statism and when faced with them we get extremely hostile to the point of standing our grounds with knives, guns or any other weapon. Its a militia thing. We go by a saying called freedom or die.

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@Toki: I'm not like one of those fake-anarchist ancraps with their stupid neo-hippie approach to not doing anything. I'm not offensive lines but if they come to fuck with my shit, then they are fucking dead. That's what standing your ground is all about.

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Toki 5 Jahre vor

@BlackPilledBeltMonkkido: There's not enough of us :/ So many sheep these days.

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@Toki: Yeah I'm prepared to die just to fight these government fuckers to the death. I don't care if I die because we already live in hell.

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@Toki: If they force the vaccines on me, then I'm going to draw my blades and aim for their necks. They can give me the death penalty, I don't care. I just want to show them the consequences of going against natural law because legality does not apply to that.

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@Toki: I don't leave my house anymore to go far unless I am armed with a weapon. You don't know if there is going to be one of those dis-informed conspirator dissenters out there.

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@Toki: Know the thing about deceptions of what the so called statists try to put on us thinking we are totally the villains but in reality anyone can be the hero, anyone can be the villain, but the aim goal is to do whats right.

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Toki 5 Jahre vor

@BlackPilledBeltMonkkido: I'm not scared of death either. I'm nothing but a society tax sheep. It would be salvation from my awful life. If the power grid falls I'm out because digital entertainment is literally the only thing I have to live for.

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@Toki: In the wise words of Ronald Reagan in his anti-government thesis statement, and this is greatly taken by anarchists all around, "Government is the problem."

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