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Redpill asylum vol 1 - TheRedKnight

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Cut Off Toxic People Without Mercy!

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Published on 31 May 2024 / In People & Blogs

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This is a good message.

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Bagoodman 4 months ago

Someone has to do a video on how to say the same thing over an over and make a 3 min video run for 15 min Lol

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TheRedKnight 4 months ago

yeah this guy is called Chad marco, I thought he was a decent creator lol. but that's it, more redpill stuff and Bible stuff coming today! :D

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Bagoodman 4 months ago

@TheRedKnight: It's all good - It's just in my old age I've Seen and heard most things over an over and my patience gets short sometimes . Lol

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TheRedKnight 4 months ago

@Bagoodman: with older age comes WISDOM :D yeah a lot of the redpill for me in my personal life its basic knowledge, but I lack life experience, lack experience with women, so its still new right now :P

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Bagoodman 4 months ago

@TheRedKnight: I know where your coming from a lot of my friends are in there 30s and I tell them I wish I could take them back to the 70s When I was a young Man When Women were Beautiful and liked to be Women Hardly any fat women no women with Hog rings or tattoos / purple hair ect - And the Music was GREAT Keg Party's on the weekends live music a lot of us play music ( Me guitar for over 40y) Just a great time to be Alive - So sad to see what you guys have / don't have now days .

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TheRedKnight 4 months ago

@Bagoodman: yeah its sad, oh well I cant grief over what I never knew D:

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Bagoodman 4 months ago

@TheRedKnight: I wish I could think of something that would make things better for you all .

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TheRedKnight 4 months ago

@Bagoodman: and free BJS LOL XD no seriously. we need to find peace within ourselves, this world, this planet, has always been complicated and hard to live under. That's the issue, they who run this whole world are going to do what they are going to do, but we must find peace within it and do our best.

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Bagoodman 4 months ago

@TheRedKnight: DoggK and I have been talking and working on a way to Organize some of the Men in the manisphear Into a Club a MGTOW club ill let you know when we get things started If you want .

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TheRedKnight 4 months ago

@Bagoodman: oh cool! what will this club be about? like a massive YouTube channel? :)

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Bagoodman 4 months ago

@TheRedKnight: More like a bunch of us guys actually talking on the phone getting to know each other seeing who lives close to each other become friends Basically there seems to be a lot of us Men that don't even have someone to talk to when the world shits on us So we have to fix it -- That's what Men do We Fix shit lol

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TheRedKnight 4 months ago

@Bagoodman: OH! I'm cool on that, see I have 2 jobs and work 7 days a week :( I'd hardly have time to talk on the phone :(

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Bagoodman 4 months ago

@TheRedKnight: Yeah that's what the world wants Men working themselves to death with no time for friends - It will be totally up to you how much time you want to talk to others it's just now we will have a place to do it - They ( the powers that be ) don't think Men can/will come together But this will be a club that the Women can't break up Because we are ALL just friends .

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TheRedKnight 4 months ago

@Bagoodman: I like the idea :D we can also hang out on discord :D

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Bagoodman 4 months ago

@TheRedKnight: By the way im in Oregon USA and I'm 62

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TheRedKnight 4 months ago

@Bagoodman: oh ok, I'm 36 and from ohio :)

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