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Cuties End Of Virtue

Published on 26 Aug 2020 / In Entertainment

Pedophile sad to say has been a planned sexuality option by Hollywood for years, Taxi Cab underage actress, interview with a vampire underage actress, some french professional film underage actress. It has been in the works for over 40 years. They want to normalize it man and Netflix is confirming it using the same tactics that popularized welfare, child support, & fatherless homes. Start with the black community and use black women to steer it into society because dysfunction is expected out of that community man due to stereotypes & racial held biases. That's why the American family no longer exists. The thing is this, this is the final stage of Normalizing pedophile openly displaying & promoting it to the mainstream. And what's more mainstream in streaming than Netflix
As for what Netflix did that has been in the works for over 20 years. Do you remember that show how to catch a predator, how they would just make it seem that every town in the country has a pedophile? I used to think it was a show right. But after thinking on it especially after this Netflix thing I have begun to realize that it was to desensitize the American public to pedophile.

Because such a crime is so heinous but they made it appear as though it was some funny show where they catch a pedophile at the end like an episode of Scooby-Doo. Also, it got major coverage and made it into a must-watch by all tv networks at the Time. Then add on the fact that a film like Taxi Cab, Dairy Of Vampire, I think that film assassin with Jean Reno all had the love interest be an underage girl. To further promote by the government that most men are pedophiles & can not be trusted to have the honor or adopt female children like the government that is breaking down the family household.

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KEEPER 5 years ago  

i didn't know what this cuties thing was prior to listening to your video, now i know it's really just normalizing pedophilia.

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Hold The Truth Hostage

Yeah man its the nail in the coffin of family values man, & this is what the goverment run by choas seeks the destruction of stability & Virtue that a house with a father figure would truly provied where a man has authority

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Bill 5 years ago

@Hold The Truth Hostage: This is why MGTOW is such a threat to the powers that be. Men are hold to control outright but you tie a man to a woman's will and the woman is easy to control. Women are followers by nature. If even 10% of men went their own way and took responsibility for themselves and their lives this would be a much different world.

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Hold The Truth Hostage

Thats what I tell people man in all honesty all we need is .5%-1% & its over man, rember one man going through dates on average a year is a meal ticket to over 200 women a year man, bars, clubs, dinning & so on. Remove that and women well will go in the deep ens & the goverement will eventuall notice that they have a choice either free the shackles on men or be prepared to have the birthrate to cut by 30%-50% in 10-15 years -

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Bill 5 years ago

@Hold The Truth Hostage: I agree with parts of that but I can't agree with the part where you say government will free men. Government makes it's money using men's natural urges against themselves to extract more and more tax dollars from them. The only way government ever gets smaller is when it's forced to, either by collapse or revolution.

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KEEPER 5 years ago

funny how it all started with women's rights. and from then on progressively got worse as time has passed by.

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Hold The Truth Hostage

Yeah the 19th ammendment killed the need to vote as men. It was only passed to allow the goverment a way to abandon the male vot & appeal to the female vote, Becaus emost of the programs the goverment provide are all based on what men would natuarally provide, welfare, & much more. Ah man

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The_One_G3R 5 years ago

you realisze that "lolita" as it is callen in france is pretty normal there? speaking from Germany btw where the legal age is 14, so to me it is just a series tailored to france not more not less ;)

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Hold The Truth Hostage

I can respect your opinion but in an anti father country trust me its not catering to France its catering to the elimination of the fact that a stable family would not allow such a thing

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