Cyclists Fuck Around on Highway and Find Out --- Seriously - these brain dead cunts are so stupid......
Published on 12 Oct 2024 / In
Film & Animation
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Some times I am quite wrong... this time, in SOME ways...
I think had he been on a normal small street his road manners were fine for that situation, but to the truck driver this CUNT would just as well be standing still. We are getting them in the UK now turning up on motorways even and they think they are entitled because they are on a bike! lol! In fact he was lucky that truck saw him, we know this because the driver had to go toward the barrier to try and pass the twat. Did you also notice he didn't even LOOK when sticking his arm out. Like I say this incident probably would never happened on a small street. The other thing I don't understand is why is he out their anyway if he is not turning Right in the slip road, but then I guess the fool was going straight on? what a Dick. cyclist had the road laws change in their favor here in the UK and since then it's bought out thousands of total CUNTS that should be licensed and insured, That will come eventually and all the people that cycle with care will have to pay the price for CUNT's like this? The PERSON should be licenced and covered sao they can ride any bike but the responsibility is totally on them. A fuck cyclist hits you you literally don't have a leg to stand on to clsaim injury or damage to YOUR vehicle? 90+% of red light jumpers are Cyclist, but you hit one it's YOUR fault for not seeing them with these new insane rules!
in america it is illegal to rice a bicycle on the highway . ( expressway) . what country is this video from ?
Doing retarded stuff with zero situational awareness. There seems to be a huge difference between people commuting by bicycle and the athletic spandex clad cunts.
Its always the spandex crowd that behave like rude, entitled pricks that own the road. Its also mainly them that get splattered while the commuter types are friendly and careful.
consequences, dipshits... this is why you do not cycle in the middle of the fucking road.