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Cynocephalus - The dog-headed men

Published on 10 Jul 2022 / In Entertainment

How far from reality was "⁣D'Artacan y los Tres Mosqueperros" (⁣Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds)?

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WMHarrison94 3 years ago

Well, this is interesting. I always thought they were either werewolves (or rabies infected) or hunters wearing the heads as helmets-- fur headgear. The rabies causing your gums to retract exposing more teeth and act retarded like a barking dog.

Now, you got me wondering...the same with centaurs. Though, I thought as with other writers they were hairy men riding horses bareback and they themselves naked. Thus the hair and the fur "blended" together.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

TPTB will never allow us to know the truth. So we can only speculate and imagine. From my travels and research, there's no doubt in my mind we are not living the best of times in our history. Humans have lived much, much better times, when everything was simply beautiful, people were smart, strong and healthy.

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WMHarrison94 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: I came across a theory that our earth is a petri dish, where different types of "men" are tested out. That iscwhy there are all these unexplained ruins and records of "flying houses" fighting in civil wars as recorded by the Indian sanskrit. I think there was something a "God of Creation" say Israel's, who had "sons" which the earth, the "experiment" was divided up to conduct their own. I also believe we humans today will likely only have Seven thousand years, or "seven days" as one day of the Lird is one thousand years for man, and why Adam lived for only one day-- he never reached 1,0000 years old. So, are these werewolves, demons, cynocephali, etc leftover specimens or something else? I have been finding the "Sons of God" interesting and all over the world mentioned. This ties into Atlantis, Mu, and Lemuria. So, most "creation stories" of antiquity also I clouded the Armageddon stories too. This is why I think we are in or will be entering soon the Age of Revelations. We are living in or near the Seven Thousands year mark tracing back to Ancient Egypt and Iraq, 4th M. BC. Just saying...

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

@WMHarrison94: I was a harsh critic of the creation theory for most of my life, I was lied to as a young boy about many things related to religion, and that pushed me to not believing anything tied to a book called the "Bible". I still don't believe in ANY religious belief or anything that remotely is connected to religion. That said, I don't discard the Bible knowledge anymore, I just don't believe the "faith". My opinion is that the Bible was used to manipulate people to something that would make them docile and tamed, instead of being used as a research tool. The result was the decay of our society for centuries. (Probably). The Bible talks about giants, religion can't explain that. The Bible talks about incest, religion refuses to acknowledge it. The Bible describes floods, religion hides that it is a recurring phenomenon. Take the Catholic church. Love one another and shit... They fuck children, and have been promoting wars for centuries (so we are told), and have murdered millions over the centuries. And on topic, the Bible mentions more creatures that religion denies. Who knows what was changed from the original writings to the present edition of the book?

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WMHarrison94 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: Christ warned his Disciples of this. There is so much more than the Bible, but they are starting to change books now with modern day printings.it is actually spawning aook for old books movement.

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WMHarrison94 3 years ago

I am walking away from religion. I believe that guy who built the tower and shot into the heavens trying yo kill God of Israel,well he started "religions" by making his wife and child the first Madonna and child worshipped dual. O got to go right now-- I am really getting hungry...

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