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Daily Wire's Andrew Klavan cucks out and attacks MGTOW over marriage

Published on 05 Jun 2021 / In News & Politics

Mainstream conservatives are pretty much useless and will never admit how shitty the laws are for men and recognise that female empowerment is the source of many problems.

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OlDirtyBazturd 3 years ago

Typical "tradcuck" viewpoints.

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Teddydog 3 years ago

Who is not living in the wreal world?

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PRICK 3 years ago

To be fair Andrew Klavan is an intelligent man.

Remember this men... We are all trained from birth to believe as he believes.

Every authority figure in our lives, from parents, teachers, government, classic literature, modern entertainment, media both mainstream, and social, friends, and extended family have all pushed this indoctrination, and then when you tie in his political affiliations, it's no wonder he can't see it.

The world is FULL of men that can't SEE.

I attempted to pick apart his "ARGUMENTS" not the man himself.

Rational emotionless debate could become a mgtow strength, because logic, reason, and statistics do support the mgtow philosophy.

Feminists respond to rational logical debate with bile, and vitriolic hatred. They have no REAL argument so they hurl whatever they have in the hope that something will stick, and of course the average mind won't dig any deeper, but will just cleave to their perceived "VIRTUE." It makes them FEEL better.

Lets NOT take a page from the feminist PLAYBOOK.

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audiophile641 3 years ago

Just shows how low the bar is that this non entity has a microphone to talk this tradcuck garbage

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