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Daniel Rose | The Fundamentals of Sexual Confidence | Full Length HD

Published on 09 Feb 2011 / In Film & Animation

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Read the Sex God Method by Daniel Rose at www.sexgodmethod.com/sgm/t21c.html

Daniel Rose is the founder and creator of The Sex God Method. He is a full-time professional sex coach, and the lead instructor in all Sexual Confidence Bootcamps.

Daniel was not always a Sex God, however. After spending years as a nerd addicted to video games, he decided that he could not live like that anymore. He began a slow and arduous process to improve his social skills. With the help of mentors, he soon gained the ability to pick-up women from bars and clubs. He even taught seduction and dating professionally for a few years.

Still though, he felt that something was missing. Despite the fact that he knew all the right things to say to a woman, Daniel didn't feel like the real deal. He felt like a fraud, like he was "gaming" women and not being authentic. He felt like there was a piece missing.

That missing piece, he discovered, was Sexual Confidence. Because he was not confident in his abilities to give women sexual pleasure, he did not truly feel like an attractive man.

Daniel immediately set upon a quest to fix this area of his life. He bought a massive amount of sex books and manuals...but was surprised to find that they were all completely ineffectual for giving women pleasure. Discarding this useless knowledge, he decided to formulate his own system.

Daniel experimented wildly for years on many sexual partners, always trying to find what women really responded to. Each time he had sex, he learned more about what women really wanted. Each time, he became better.

Finally, thousands of sexual experiences later, Daniel had an epiphany: Women need four things in bed: Dominance, Emotion, Variety, and Immersion. Becoming a Sex God is just a matter of learning how to give them these four things.

Armed with this knowledge, Daniel's sex life shot through the roof. His Sexual Confidence also improved tremendously. No longer did he feel like he was faking it or "gaming" girls — he felt like he was the real deal, a genuinely attractive man.

His relationship life also became much better. With the Sex God Method, he was able to make the girl of his dreams fall in love with him. They are still together to this day in a passionate and incredibly sexual relationship.

Read the Sex God Method by Daniel Rose at www.sexgodmethod.com/sgm/t21c.html

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