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Deeper stuff 2 - TheRedKnight

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Dark secrets of Scientology

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Published on 27 Sep 2023 / In Film & Animation

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Never_Again 11 months ago

I recall L. Ron Hubbard books flying off the shelves ... back 1979 - @Least through mid-8o's & shit. Oh, gawd ... the fuckers that took it serious were & or became fucking Starry Eyed FREAKS man ... Freaks. Absolutely no thought of their own. Not good shit for sure. Imagine Portland, Puget Sound (seattle) area Wacko Puppy Breeding Grounds of Our now ANTIFA / BLM / Commie grand- or not- sons & daughters of those freaks back then ... Whoa-La ... I mean WTF I have my own babes that are my own g-children age @ 24 & 25yo, eldest is 44yo ... Fuck ... I kinda know shit as a non-dope yet "Kool-Kat" bastard ... ya know what I mean, straight as in just booze, too-bakky, & coffee as my 'dope' that as long as you keep that shit away from me & my family, yea OK whatever Man ... who gives a fuck what you do attitude ... ya get it.? Yea, ya git or fetch then else ya prix ... hahaahahahahaha ......... looky this ole bitch now ... still sexier than high % dumb fuck modern day Femons ...

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Never_Again 11 months ago

yea well ... what ... ya say some thing ... ah fuck ... whata ... ouchie ... damn ... fuck ... never mind ... damn ... grrrrrr ....

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WMHarrison94 12 months ago

There was a tv series or a comedy where a séance brings a "being" in a female human form into our reality likely in California... a very particular scene and maybe repeated. I think this scene is an allusion to that Scarlet lady talked about... I do know postFlood, Noah pleaded with God of Israel to remove all demons from earth, but alas God of Israel did not. He did leave only a few... but now, it has been said there are more demons on earth than back then. I wonder how many Occultitst or seances brought some "over" demons or other beings? It was mentioned by God of Israel that in the days of Noah, there were giants and that the Flood came without warning-- to the "normies." It is because of the Giants, human angel hybrids the the Flood was needed to ensure a pure bloodline for Christ to be born into. This is why I say bloodlines matter and talk about them. The days before the events of the Book of Revelations are said to match the Pre-Flood with giants and all. Well, the giants are here. We killed some in Afghanistan. Rumor has it the giant corpse(s) are in the Smithsonian's basement.

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WMHarrison94 12 months ago

Yeah, seems truthful. Stay away from anybody praising Alister Crowley! That guy is a manipulative pedophile. The Cult of Diana I believe especially in California. HollyWood or Scared Wood is based upon her cult center a grove off a lake in Italy. Hollywood exist to destroy men. Hey, these cult indoctrinating Satanists, Demonist, and Occultists are everywhere. Although I aqm a paret of the Occult from my three deaths, I am not an Occultists, who seek toi control it.

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Never_Again 11 months ago

WTF ... Harrison Ford type.? Indie ... or is that Indy.? ha-ha-Fucking-ha ... What are you.? Are you AI or something ya son / sun of ' gun.? Yea right ... If I were smart enuf that be stuff or what ... shit I'd write / type ... huh.? Fuck ... ya U B ai Indy ... ... ... ...

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Never_Again 11 months ago

ah, Fuck yea that last one plays on loop ... mp4 shit ... AI Indie of Indy ... My Dad s' 1st, Broke his cherry, & banged his head a few times, Dat Bitch, he was 15yo, yea he bought it used, just an ole whore but we / he need those Cougar s' to use as practice that lil' bastard aka my future daddy ... Holy Shit he had no idea I'd be his boy for decades ... ha-ha-Fucking-ha ... heeheehee dat what he getz driving my grandma nutz, @ least what she told my mom ... hahahaha dat sum-Ah-bitch ... 1937 Indian Chief 1200 ...

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bigintol03 12 months ago

I've said for years that those fuckers were crazy!

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TheRedKnight 12 months ago

yea most "religions" are really occult, always follow the money :(

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WMHarrison94 12 months ago

@TheRedKnight: I left religions behind for "Revelations" or ancient truths rediscovered or revealed. Soon, they will edit the Bible again and remove the Book of Revelations. They already replaced certain world and spellings such as Noah to Noe. If you don't know ancient languages or the nonEnglish Romance languages, you would not understand the change.

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