KnightsTemplar - RedKnight

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darkside of porn

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Published on 23 Aug 2022 / In Film & Animation

dark side of porn :(

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

the porn industry is largely a sick, degenerate, psychological experiment. People need to really think about something: Why is it exactly that all of this pornography is online, free for consumption, and often pirated in a unchecked manner? You want me to believe that the ads on the porn sites cover all the expenses? Imagine the massive server farms and the expense needed to upkeep these porn websites which have exponentially higher traffic then There are nefarious people and nefarious intentions behind this psyop. Porn used to be a rather small industry, now it is huge despite the fact that a lot of these people in porn dont really make all that much money anymore except for a small amount of the investors at the top. Read about this company mindgeek. It is strange because they own a lot of the major porn websites and they seem to have both institutional and government funding via certain funding from some universities. I am not exactly sure what is going on, but they are clearly collecting data as you can see in pornhubs blog where they show certain demographics related to porn. Additionally, they are trying to do strange things because there is all this incestuous porn they try to put on the homepage all the time and other strange things. A lot of the women are people who have sustained abuse when they were young and they are acting out trauma. Some of course do it for money but its nowhere near as profitable as it used to be from what I have gathered. It takes two to tango and a lot of these men are not right upstairs as well. The whole industry is a den of mental illness, drug use, etc. Normal people generally do not go into that business. I encourage others to read about MINDGEEK. Cornell University in the US and JPmorgan chase invested in mindgeek. There is a secretive international cabal of investors a lot of them Cypriots investor class citizens with second passports whom their identities are not known. It is all very strange.

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You need punctuation, sentences and paragraphs... The fine print contract style of writing is hard to take in.

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: you are right, I just can't do it well I guess with the chat box and honestly the comment is just too long. The world is just overly complex now, I wish I could summarize this bs but it's so bad now that I can only belt out factoids rapidly with poor Grammer at times. The specific details are worse than I described but then it would get even longer.

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@TelepathicRapist: Change it so people can read it.

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The Spartan
The Spartan 2 years ago

They've had decades to learn from their "older sisters" who went through the same shit and spoke out. Even though I can't help feel some empathy, there comes a time when I have to say... F**k them!

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AbyssWatcher 2 years ago

nonsense. stop removing accountability from these females! they chose! now let them suffer. most of these females...would rather be homeless...and chasing chad dick...than be in a stable relationship with an average man in western civilizations. We hold people accountable here.

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RedKnight 2 years ago

this was an old video I made, and the thoughts on this video are not my own, its a post from reddit, thats all

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GhostPlodderES 2 years ago

Oh shut to hell up, these Chad chasers are getting what they want - attention, status and money.

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