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Dating Coach Evolution Gone Wrong

Published on 19 Jan 2024 / In Entertainment

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sbseed 1 year ago

i do not agree with "red pill coach"...
so he was a 'passport bro', so what...

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sbseed 1 year ago

pro russia shill?, you mean someone who recognized that russia was doing what was best for russia....
the narrator is an idiot.

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sbseed 1 year ago

what is MTOW????

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BioWeapanSurvivor 1 year ago

He was an American and he was murdered in that corrupt Ukraine shit hole. The only reason Ukraine is afloat is my fucking tax dollars subsidize that corrupt pile of shit. Ukraine is lost and the Polish and the Zionist through Black Rock who are buy up the land will soon replace those 500000 young Ukrainian men that were feed into the grinder by Zelenskyy and Potato head for profit. Putin will take Ukraine, Zelenskyy will flee to Florida where he will stink up the place and the foolish Mr. Lira will be in the ground because he forgot that he was in a Nazi corrupt hell hole that used its own youth as cannon fodder in a war any third grader could have predicted the out come of. Sources I listen to say that over six million Jews were scheduled move to Ukraine, (Maybe that's why Black Rock is buy up all the available land, nice fetal farm land), at least that was the plan before that cocaine sniffing cross dresser in charge screwed the pouch. Now Putin is turning up the heat and moving to end this shit show for good. Your F around you find out.
I feel sorry for his wife and kids, but Gonzo did not listen to his own advice and now he is with God along with nearly 500000 young Ukrainian men, not to mention the thousands of dead valiant Russians who gave their all to defend their homes, land and Nation, from Nazi trash like that cocaine sniffing cross dressing Zelenskyy. Rest in peace Gonzalo Lira, vengeance is Gods and it is permanent.

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Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack 1 year ago

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You have made some interesting points, especially about Gonzalo Lira and the fate of the Red Pillers / Pick Up Artists.
I do recall Coach Red Pill moving to the Ukraine to avoid the tragedy of the Western Women in hopes of finding a suitable East European Woman. His bashing of the American way is unfortunate. But as you say, Western ideals do not work in other foreign countries, especially dictatorships.
The allowances the Libertarians have made for the parasitic Marxist followers has shown that thievery will fester when the government is allowed to steal from the productive to pay for the parasitic lifestyle. If this is not handled to protect the country, the country will fall. "Free Stuff" will be the cause of death for the American dream.
I may not see the restoration of freedom in my lifetime. In fact, I know I will see the death of America while I am still living within its boundaries. But I know there is more to life than trying to satisfy another person's needs (female or male) as my whole purpose in existing.

I still believe in Going Your Own Way as the best policy for living a good life.

Whether inside my own home or in exile or in prisoned in gulag or dead in a ditch; I am still free.

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