Daughter Called Aunt A Vapid Slut
Published on 31 Dec 2020 / In
Film & Animation
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The 'schoolmate' is an absolute arsehole. I hope someone beats the shite out of him. If the aunt is doing what she does freely and of her own volition it is nobodies business but hers.
The 'schoolmate' is the problem. What were they doing watching porn anyway at that age? That is some seriously bad parenting on display right there compounded by the fact that the kid is a total POS.
The 14 year old is certainly red pilled!
The 14 year old has her head on straight.
Her mother should not let the aunt near her kids..
This is all bullshit. Most marriages are just licensed prostitution. And working in the porn industry and gossipy idiot kids at school - so this fucking wank is watching the sex videos, AND going around telling everyone what an arsehole whore the aunt of this girl is.... If I was the girl I'd brick him for being a retarded disrespectful shit - and the gossiping retards who lap all the shit up like flies - they are the LOSERS.
She's right.
Her parents are faggots and she's going to want to get them out of her life and not have a relationship with them because they're weak.