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Their fake enthusiasm and nonstop wind-bagging could be employed as torture. I'm thinking Clockwork Orange level stuff.
I love Beethoven
Arnold busy at work all day to provide for his Mrs. Piggy wife then kicking back watching his favorite show through the approval of his mentor.
wonder how many different pigs were used to make that show
The West is beyond redemption, let the pork burn….cracklings always complaining and spewing a caldron of poisonous drool….
I don't know which is worse their mouth or their mindless brain
@SoloMan Zone: either end mind, mouth, or rear, excrement the result…
Antoian Kordiyal
United States
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Their fake enthusiasm and nonstop wind-bagging could be employed as torture. I'm thinking Clockwork Orange level stuff.
Arnold busy at work all day to provide for his Mrs. Piggy wife then kicking back watching his favorite show through the approval of his mentor.
The West is beyond redemption, let the pork burn….cracklings always complaining and spewing a caldron of poisonous drool….