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DDJ / Misandry Today / Bob Lewis at the National Organization for Women conference in 2014

Published on 23 Nov 2019 / In People & Blogs

Leftist Entryist DDJ in the flesh. For some reason, despite claiming to be so smart and competent, he couldn't find an argument against a $15 minimum wage.
For any doubters, he admitted that this was him - ⁣https://imgur.com/a/0oMWbs1

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KEEPER 5 years ago

i always thought he sounded like a white skinny guy.
and said he was Latino as a way of keeping ppl away from his true identity, not only that. but he even told us his name which he said was an alias. but it turns out it was all true except for what he stands for of course.

he's probably one of the best pretenders in this community as well in any other communities he's infiltrated. now there is still a possibility he actually was an paralegal as much of his knowledge on the subject was really well informed.

i haven't visited his youtube channel since he and tfm had their last channel battle. but i recently heard from someone else in the community that he was trying to take over the red man group and supposedly kicked out rolo tellamossy, i think that's how it spelled, i haven't visited the RMG channel since tfm did a interview with them so i'm a bit out of the loop of the RMG stuff. but yeah supposedly bob lewis kicked them out? idk how be able to do that considering they built that group....but this is just what i heard, i think it was from a mgtow who named himself as mike the mgtow monk.

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Co2stan 5 years ago

Why tf is the video restricted?

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KEEPER 4 years ago

not anymore

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libertyanyday 5 years ago

invest in your own skills, ........... this guy is an epic FAIL on basic math. If in fact min wage improves society , was has it been changed from the original 25 cent and hour....... why dont we make it 40 or 75 bucks an hour........... because basic math tells us this creates massive inflation.

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