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DEATH OF NATIONS - The fall of western civilization explained by Mike Adams

Published on 02 Dec 2024 / In Film & Animation


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sbseed 1 month ago

less than half way in and i cannot stand listening to this idiot anymore...
not to mention his voice is so damned annoying.

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sbseed 1 month ago

a blockchain would be a good idea, except that it is all digital which makes it a VERY temporary medium, it cannot be a permanent system because it depends on electricity to function... if they could make something that could work without electricity or have its own power source the is perpetually renewable then it could be a good system since it would not be dependent on electricity to work or any other outside source and it would be decentralized...

this guy is also wrong about sanctions, it is the shutting down of shipping outside of the USA... reality if we completely shutdown all imports/exports and then we could start producing our own stuff again and once again be self sufficient.

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sbseed 1 month ago

the opening statement is outright false, they are no longer afraid of the USA in terms of military strength because the USA does not have it any more...
as far as exporting products and financially then yes it is still the biggest but not by much...

the USA has outsourced so much of what we used to produce, and then the USA has being buying in bulk... it is collapsing.
the USA is not trying to keep the 'ukraine war' going to try to keep other countries in line, they are doing it because the jews would lose one of their laundering centers and would lose much of their 'power'...

actually losing the jewkraine war would not affect the status of the USA being a paper tiger, because it already is in most ways...
the USA cannot project force as well anymore because the jews have systematically shrunk and de-fanged the military...

the aircraft carriers are not obsolete yet, but they have been made ineffective because of the same designed bullshit.

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There was a guy called Edwards Demming, who was the economist, who got Japan rebuilt and reindustrialised after WW2. He talked about quality and quality control a great deal..... He said the only reason why the USA became rich after WW2, was because they had MASSIVE production capacity and everywhere else had been bombed into oblivion.... SO the sales of the shit from the USA to the rest of the world, was in full steam - and because the quality control was so shit, it only took time, for everyone else to out produce them and to do so on the basis of quality.

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sbseed 1 month ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: except for china. the quality of the stuff they keep in china is usually better but the garbage they export is exactly that, garbage.... some of the stuff is still good but for the most part its trash, specially the metals that are exported....

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@sbseed: Arron Clary raised the idea of trashing another countries economy by selling them garbage that always breaks, you can't get parts for, they don't last, etc., so billions of people are spending billions of $$$$$ on complete shit.... China Earns while everywhere else burns.

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