Deep Theta Drums- Detachment from Negative Thoughts and Unwanted Feelings
Published on 02 Jun 2021 / In
Film & Animation
I have been using this particular Theta Binaural drums for about 3 years when I go to bed. whatever you msy think it WORK's. My aggession and negativity has dropped dramatically. We are creatures of frequency as ids everything else here. But we are so disconnected in todasys world/ I'm no Hippy or crank, I just went looking for an simple answer to not sleeping well, and found this. Load it to your MP3 player and set on "Loop" and it will give you hopefullly a great nights sleep and future benefit's?
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It's unfortunate that they use this knowledge to sell pop records. They are literally manipulating money out of pockets. It's as close to being subliminal as you can get and still be legal.