
Delta Crash At Toronto Airport as Clear as Mud

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gepubliceerd op 21 Feb 2025 / In Film & Animatie
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mrghoster 1 maand geleden

When landing a jet like this one person cannot do it all. One is on "Com's" and the other unrestricted lands the plane. If the MALE, Captain or not was on Com's the femon MUST have had control of the physical plane and landing. I asked a pilot (retired Friend of mine and that is what he told me and who was the best person to ask? Mind you he flew Cargo out of Holland, but I guess the same rules apply?

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 1 maand geleden

Why can't they tell us who was landing the plane, my guess it was the femon. But they will try and cover it up or say it wasn't her fault as its a femon. Lets face it femons are not Swiss army knives they have very limited abilities except for a rare few

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mrghoster 1 maand geleden

@SoloMan Zone: Lying and hiding the truth will "ALWAY" come back obne day to bite you in the ass, it's the waay of the Universe. It may be in decades away but lies always get eventualy outed.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 1 maand geleden

may be delta means vagina.. I will have to look it up.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 1 maand geleden

love the picture of the plane upside down.. Canadian Airlines. .lol..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 1 maand geleden

you should spray paint Trudeau Sucks on it. .lol..

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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 1 maand geleden

From what I understand, the first officer (co-pilot) is usually doing all the flying unless something serious happens requiring the captain to take over control. I know an airline captain and I'll ask him to verify what the usual situation is.

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mrghoster 1 maand geleden

It cannot be hidden, just ask the experts.

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