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Delusional Modern Woman SHOCKED After Hitting The Wall

Published on 11 Jan 2024 / In Film & Animation

The frog faced unattractive vitch at the beginning is REALLY Mentally Ill. She cant even admit simply that she is a 4 and theirfore she is out of the game she was NEVER in in the first place. so wWTF does she do? Well she tries to convince ALL women to be like the failure SHE is. We know women are a failure anyway all of them in my opinion? when you get women expecting large amounts of money like 20k fior a guy to have sex with her, then you know they arte delusional when a women of the night (who at least knows what she is) you can pick up for a few bucks these day's. IO think we should go back to the 17th and 18th century, where a MAN is paid a dowery by the women or her family to take HER on. Effectively the MAN is paid to fund the CUNT! lol! women have lost because low intelligence and Emotional bias have created that lose. MEN are the logical thinker's the Rational one's and that reason is why (other than CUCKS), MEN have and are STILL wqalking in greater number's. MEN are building NEW live's where their money and time and mind are their own, where these things are now the important element to them, pussy is either forgottem or put on a faraway back burner in case women change? Well fuck that we know women are never gonna change, because THEY think they are FREE, but really they have jumped out of the frying pan into the fire, so lady's good luck with that slippery slope you have now put yourself on! lol!

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Miss Prissy - spitting image

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mrghoster 1 year ago

The only thing missing in the vid is her 8th century bonnet or should that be a pointy witches hat! lol!

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

yeah... lemme know how that works out for you when you hit the wall...

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TripeSwing 1 year ago

Using vibrators for years also makes modern females difficult to satisfy in the sack. Hardly a turn on for us guys

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"Yeah I am 30 + something... and don't even have a drivers license......"

That is kind of like the great admission of being a failure at life.

When she add on that she is a shit cook, a lame fuck and a brain dead girl friend.....

And it sets it all in concrete then.

"You go girl - your empowered!"

She is all right looking.... but the total lack of motivation and ambition and the attitudes that drive it....

Blahhhh..... Pass on that arse.

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mrghoster 1 year ago

Nice one Shane can always rely on you for some Funny Truth's nicely said Mate! lol!

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@mrghoster: Oh god... I just had to go up and have another look at her and then was dumb enough to turn the video on for 3 or 4 seconds... Jesus... Nooooooooo....

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