Delusional World of Femons
Published on 12 Dec 2023 / In
Film & Animation
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Dwayne Johnson's best line, after he dropped the "Rocky Maivia" moniker: "The Rock says, 'know your role, and shut your mouth'!" Being the naive wrestling fan (all boring to me now), I always thought he was talking to femons. Lol!
When uber wealthy musicians or celebrities come out asking me to give to their latest cause my reply is: "consider my purchases of your music, tickets, etc. my contribution. Pass it on as you see fit."
The ROCK felt bad about it? Why did he have to wrestle with his Conscience or something? lol! Did you say that was Opra? I guess that drink is windscreen wash then? so I guess she is now Opra Windscreen?
That's not the ROCK, that's a celeb looky likey called "THE COCK"! lol! with that bald head and taking of the t shirt he looks like a "COCK"!
Can i suggest a PURPLE drink for this Femon? Instead of box wine true some neat Methylated Spirit, That's PURPLE and it was Traditionally drunk by "TRAMPS" as well. Seeing a femons are REALLY dumb, why not try drinking "Anti Freeze" that's a pretty Blue color and will keep you warm in the winter! lol! well until you quickly DIE that is! That will solve your femon lonelyness problems!