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Democrat Jamal Bowman LIED About Pulling Fire Alarm, He Got Away With It

Published on 07 Jan 2024 / In News & Politics

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Toki 1 year ago

They say blacks aren't slave owners. Any man or empowered whamen who wears a suit to "work" is most likely a slave owner. Especially Gov people.
Also what a pussy! Wearing shoulderpads. Can he change a tire on his own car though? Probably not. Not a man at all. A pampered Gov welfare sponge but that's not unusual for blacks I guess.

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Toki 1 year ago

Also an overweight pig. He has to pay women for sex as well like a simp. While a rapper bangs his theater wife so she can get sex from a man who isn't a total pussy. Rappers are still pussies, not not near as much as men who wear business suits on the regular. To think we used to respect strong productive men with real skills. But look at soyciety now. Worshiping useless selfish people and "voting" for them. How can you be so stupid you would willingly submit to a total stranger as their slave? About his prostitutes? Yeah that's where your tax dollars end up. Print more money to handle the fix roads while these pigs waste wealth on whores. Also providing for a useless family who will never work or do anything productive for anyone else except themselves. Then you wonder why men don't want women and children. The taxed mice have brains you know. Best to starve out the snakes by simply refusing to breed more mice. It's that simple and it's not difficult to avoid modern women who are unappealing on the inside and outside anyways. Then these spoiled elites will enslave their own children lol.

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