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Published on 15 Oct 2020 / In Entertainment

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theWarrior 4 years ago

Kid needs an Exorcism! He's headed for a drug cartel as a hitman! Damned shame. -the Warrior

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KEEPER 4 years ago

i disagree on this one even though it can be correlated with the points of the video.
kids learn these gestures from adults all the time, i mean i don't know if you have seen rappers rap. the entire music video is lazy sign language that looks cool and flashy and symbols such as these are often used. we know kids are highly impressionable to the point that they will mimic adults and adult situations because of the shock value alone.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

i have also seen rock musicians do these symbol's along with the ppl who listen to the music. i don't even think most ppl know the connotation in the symbol's that are being used or have a belief in the symbol's.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

but i do agree a dad is important in a son's life

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Doggk_Re_Uploads 4 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: Well you made the right links ! Yup kids learn these gestures in music videos, and these music videos are made by wicked adults most of the time + these clips are funded by Holywood and mysterious people ! The signs that kid did are the same Anton Lavey did in his satanic church ... And yup you right rappers, actors, rockers, etc.. do these signs.. But the question here is why did that kid these signs on the video, the same as Anton Lavey did with his hands on pictures and videos.. ? What the holy books say about these things make sense.. a bad tree wont give you good fruits, you just saw it on the video.. That kid got brainwashed with a bad fruit..

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Doggk_Re_Uploads: alright. you got some good points. but i have another thing to point out as well, so the Swastika wasn't always a sign for Hitler and nazies, as at one point within history it was a sign of peace. so it's entirely possible that these hand gestures also meant something else further back in history than before the bible existed. and now i need to do some research on this anton lavey guy because i have no idea who he is.

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: Hay Mr Truth Anton LaVey started the Church of satan and on his death bed he said ( something is wrong i think i made a mistake ) His daughter heard this and still kept the church open. And if you look at the kid in the video he looks like he is Parroting something he watched someone do . The mother is hanging out with Hood Rats . (( ILL SHOOT YOU CUS )) Common Rat Shit Talk . This is how the Blacks grow up to have no respect for themselves or any thing else .

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Bagoodman: fair points, and wow about anton at his death bed. so he had a last minute before death thought go through his mind about what he spread? i mean if this is the case, why would god not allow him to redeem himself before his death? i know that god says never to wait until the end to repent of sins as some ppl do. but there's nothing that says god will not allow you to redeem yourself except for denying god in his presence.

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: I think he saw Jesus AT JUDGMENT TIME ! He didn't believe Jesus was real At judgement He knew Who he was looking at But it was too Late . That It my Man . He was so shocked he could not Think to ask to be Saved . And LaVay's Daughter Is so corrupted with satin's power on Earth she wanted all the money and power her dad's church gave him .That's how the sin's of the flesh work ! Power and Greed in trade for your Soul !

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Metal_X: that kind of reminds me of how antifa use their brand name to look like they could do nothing wrong. but at the end of the day, they are the fascists.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Metal_X: i imagine they will change their tune when it suddenly happens to them. most ppl think it will never happen where they live until it does, i can't remember where this was in the news a month ago, where some mayor was putting up with the riots until they came to her house, and then she suddenly changed her politics out of the safety of her family. it seems to be the same with most ppl nowadays. they all play the ignorance is bliss game until they get smacked in the face with the consequences of that ignorance.

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