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Despite him the Koran says that Jesus is God -227

Published on 28 Jun 2023 / In People & Blogs

Even if in good antichrist the Koran claims that Jesus will condemn the christians, he didn’t occult totally the fact He will come back for the Judgment (Mt 25.31-46 ; Lk 18.8 ; Ac 3.20-21), (Koran 4.159) and the hadiths are formal : « Abou Houraïra has reported : ‘The Messenger of Allah said, "By Him who holds my soul between his hands, the son of Mary will come back soon among you and he will judge humanity with justice. (Boukhari 4.55,657 and Mouslim 2.58) ». And in more : The prophet of Allah has said : "I swear by Allah, that "Issa Ibn Maryam will descend and will judge humanity with justice." (Boukhari 2222 & 3448 ; Mouslim 155) " Thus, to affirm that Jesus will judge humanity, doesn’t that mean than He is God, because who else than God can judge ?

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