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Developing Artificial Viral Intelligence To Combat The Cabal

Published on 25 Feb 2024 / In Film & Animation

Iron Eagle

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jim bennett
jim bennett 12 months ago

Keep on with your ideas fairchild.. We ARE the ones who created modern iundustry.. Anyone can copy others ideas. I created tools . had many handwritten pictures of what I had in mind so I could see it before I built it.. all of my stuff worked.. and then arabs (spanish) break into my workshop to steal my ideas.. and people tell me that someone taught me.. well, noone taught me. I taught myself. .and thats the difference.. The thing about creativity , The details can be very difficult to work through. .I mean knowing what I needed to have done.. the task at hqand ..and figuring out how to do it efficiently ,,.. was something.. and i am smart dude.. but having bnever seen it.. having to create it.. took some time.. I think you got some potential and let me tell you.. I was a neighborhood dude with several friends.. nobody would have guessed my ability to figure out details.. I mean I saw girls ,, desirable girls go with guys they thought wopuld do ok.. little did they know who would really succeed.. they don't know.. nobody does. You could become a bestselling author.. the difference is doing something or not.. and I see that in you.. You will do things I am sure.. Your education starts at present. .while my education started in the past.. its up to you to carry the torch forward.. :-)

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