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Dialogue with Influential Albanian Academic - Dr. Osli

Published on 30 Jun 2024 / In People & Blogs
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NeoGeoGamer 8 months ago

There is a kind of Christian who is not a kafir. These are the kind who want to bring back traditional laws of marriage and men's authority over women. They are pursuing the right thing through the wrong path, because they have been raised to hate Islam. They were fed lies about Islam rather than allowed to learn the truth. They are only deceived.

First, they need to love the law of Moses. Once they see the wisdom and justice in it, they will want to practice it. Then, they need to know about Paul. Paul is responsible for abolishing the law, and Paul wrote every verse that is used to support feminism. Without Paul, Christianity would be Islam. Once they love the law and reject Paul, all that is left is for them to learn that Islam is the religion that agrees with them. All that remains is to affirm that God is one and that Muhammad is his prophet.

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