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Diarrhoea, Depression & Chronic Rib Pain Converged and Hit Me Hard Again

Published on 01 Jun 2021 / In People & Blogs

⁣Yeah life sücks
Filmed on 29/05/2021 AEST

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Doggk 4 years ago

Eat more natural food, eliminate as much as possible the processed food like AbyssWatcher said, use vitamins and go work out (Jogging, basketball, etc.. ) on a daily basis.. (3-4 times / week ) 30 minutes to 1 or 2 hours.. It worked for me and many others I hope it will help you.. Avoid everything with chemicals as much as possible even the sodas.. In Japan the amount of chemicals used in food is horrible.. 3/4 of those chemicals are prohibited in Europe.. Drink tea, water, juice, smothies, instead.. If you're a coffee addict, Leave coffee and replace it with Tea .. because it's also responsible for the exhausting feeling you have.. A little beer or a glass of wine at the end of the day helps relaxing and helps your blood flow too.. Just don't exagerate and know where your limits are.. It's a west european thing ^^ Good luck bro and may the force be with you !

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AbyssWatcher 4 years ago

try get more sunlight. also, get multi-vitamin that has zinc as its main component.....very helpful to men. reduce consumption of processed food...yes...that includes your ramen noodles

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Doggk 4 years ago

Yeah industrial ramens are really bad for your health.. I used to eat that very often and noticed the same problems as he has.. Depression, Diarrhea, chronic rib pain at level of my chest like if someone pushed it inside.. Once I stopped eating ramens everything went well after that no pains, depression went away etc.. They Use "monosodium glutamate" in the flavor of the ramens.. It's often used in Fast food restaurant.. Like KFC chicken.. Chips, crisps,... Fried stuff.. It creates cancers etc.. The great amount of gluten might be also responsible for the diarrhea.. The biggest problem in Japan is that fruit and vegetables are expensive as fuck so people are forced to eat more processed food than us in the west..

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