Published on 03 Oct 2021 / In
Film & Animation
"take this down will you, Miss Femon"
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A Glass Dildo? I've heard of the femon's trying to break the "Glass Ceiling" but a Glass Dildo! lmao!" i think I have just worked out why femon comedian's are not funny? It's because the average femon is so ridiculous funny no one notices the femon comedian for being themselves? With femon's it's all like "the boy who cried WOLF"? they talk so much pointless Crap it just becomes White Noise or static in the background to me?
I always stay away from "Miss Conduct", you cant trust her an inch! with regards to petrol/ Put an "Out of fuel" sign on your car anyway's as well. Of course the only down side is those who steal petrol car so dumb and illiterate they cant read the sign anyways! i have noticed the Dual carriageway near me has been quiet this weekend with no joyrider's and dickheads out because they probably thankfully don't have any fuel? lol!
thankfully my little motorcycle fit's in the brick utility shed on the front of my bungalow secured with a triple dead Lock door and no windows, it fit's perfect as the Bishop said to the whore!
The femon comedian thing doesn't work because femon's don't have any concept of "Humor". Now take act's from the past like "Morecombe and Wise" for example. Hilarious! in the day, but both for one were MEN, and secondly believe it or not, ALL their shows WERE Scripted from start to end yet people say to this day that the "Ad-lib's" were brilliant! Shows just how good they were. Their writer's were Sid Greene and Bernie Braden, unsung genius's in their own right.
The problem's with comedy today is one it is TO Woke and not funny. It is not funny, because it is two political? you cant take a dump these day's without politic's being involved? even if it is using the loo roll you managed to get in Lock down, it's still political?
Dictorphone? Wasn't that a pre-social media (before video) way of doing a Penis Shot so to speak? lol! I for one wouldn't want that fraud "Edison's" dick anywheres near my phone!
Politicians are experts at AVOIDING the question, this is why all the unrelated answer's will sound the same, yet people still fall for the crap?