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Die Jugend marschiert - [German English Lyrics] - The Youth Marches

Published on 23 Jul 2024 / In Film & Animation

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There is or was a guy called "Russel Morris" who with many others, came up with a single (45 RPM vinyl record with ONE sing per side) and the song is called "Real Thing", and it took some modern day researching, but at the very end, as a part of the composition is the Hitler Youth singing "Die Jugend Marschiert" - and at the end the kids all sing out jubilantly, "Sieg Heil".

So I found the song and at 1:32 - 34, there they go......

I only dug it up to loop it and piss someone else off......

Just because I play it, doesn't mean I endorse it.

But the video is really incredible.


For all the shit rightly or wrongly - that people fling at "Adolf and the Laddes" - they did a really incredible job of uniting Germany and running the country.

I mean the kids are REALLY clean, tidy, fit, healthy, strong, well nourished, they know how to fight, fuck and breed, they are technically competent in a whole heap of really good skills.

It does not mean I endorse the entire picture, but this was the world all over at this time.

AND I think it's really important to appreciate ALL the good things about ALL people and at least SOME of their ideas and objectives.

You now - compared to children and youth and young men and women who are "lost" and doing drugs, and fucking around, and have no ambition or direction and most of the role models in society are bare faced shit heads - like the people running the govt (Jews) and the government people on the payroll who would rather comply to shit than stand against it.....

The universities are just full of Marxist cunts.... indoctrinating everyone to to the line with their shit they spread.....

Feminists are just perverts and degenerates - of notoriously low IQ and lacking in the qualities of a model citizen.

Compared to all these degenerate shit heads, a LOT of what Adolf and the Ladds achieved IS really good.

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