Digging To China
16 Просмотры
Опубликован в 16 Apr 2022 / В
Фильм и анимация
I did NOT get or have permission to post this. I am mirrowing it from it's original location for edcational purposes. For those who have not seen this movie be sure to see it. It's a very accurate dipition on how men are viewed by society in this country (The USA). It's a revealing tear jerker you won't regret seeing it. (HINT) Everything is retro dipicted accurately with the exception of the last knock at the door.
If there are any complaints about the posting (MIRRIRONG) of this video notifiy me and I'll be happy (not really happy) but I will remove it promptly.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGbMnlO1hKw
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