DISGUSTING! Mark Zuckerberg STEALS Maui from Native Hawaiians: LAND GRAB!
#markzuckerberg #fire #maui
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DISGUSTING! Mark Zuckerberg STEALS Maui from Native Hawaiians: LAND GRAB!
In today's video we are taking a very close look at Mark Zuckerberg's questionable behavior in Hawaii that makes locals there want him to leave the islands for good.
President Joe Biden announced a whopping $700 for Maui fire victims. The US has sent Billions of dollars to Ukrainians but only $700 to Hawaiians. What kind of message is that sending to the World?
Hawaii’s Democrat Governor Josh Green sent a message clearly indicating a land grab by saying that he is already actively thinking about ways for the state to acquire the land that was annihilated by the blaze.
Just a reminder: On January 3rd, 2023, Maui announced plans to become one of the first American "Smart Cities or 15-minute Cities.
In order for a 15-minute city or Smart city to be implemented, the unelected globalists must first control the land with no private ownership
Hawaiians in Lahiana are already getting offers for their "now available" land from developers.There are many many coincidences surrounding the Maui fires but lets take a look at this one
Speaking of vultures, Hawaiian natives view Mark Zuckerberg as just that. Zuck owns 1500 acres of land in Hawaii. And he wants more. In the past, Zuckerberg sued native Hawaiians for their own land. Zuck stole over a thousand acres of land from the locals. There is history of Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates attempting to purchase all the islands. In fact, in Kauai, Mark Zuckerberg owns more land there then the government of Kauai itself .
An article from the Hill explained “In 2017, hundreds of local Hawaiians who owned interest on small pieces of land within his estate were subject to lawsuits by Zuckerberg’s lawyers. “This is the face of neocolonialism,” Kapua Sproat, a law professor at the University of Hawaii told the Guardian in 2017. “Even though a forced sale may not physically displace people, it’s the last nail in the coffin of separating us from the land.”
Mega wealthy people like Mark Zuckerberg has purchased so much land in Hawaii that Native Hawaiians cannot own land on their Native Island
Cernovich tweeted “Hawaii went two to one for Joe Biden. All their native land is being stolen from them by Democrats. My heart weeps for Maui, but this is what they voted for. Their land will be taken from them now. Mark Zuckerberg is salivating.”
Cernovich also replied to a video of former President Barak Obama saying “Your Blackrock friends are going to carve up that native land to hand out to Mark Zuckerberg and other colonists and oligarchs. Like yourself. You probably already have your new place mapped out.”
So Who owns the most land in Hawaii and stands to benefit the most by this disaster?
Larry Ellison. Oprah Winfrey. Mark Zuckerberg. Jeff Bezo. All of Hawaii will soon belong to the billionaires.
Now we also know that there is a 12 mile media ban in Maui. No journalists allowed - this again infringes on 1st amendment rights. Matt Wallace asked ”Why is the Maui Fires Media Ban Still in Place? What Else Are They Hiding!”
We can have reporters in literal war zones like Ukraine but not in disaster areas like Lahaina. Totally normal and not sketchy at all right?
Let’s deep dive into more of what’s happened. Daniel Zeck asked “To my people on Maui— is all of this true? “Fire hydrants were dry.
Fire Marshalls were out of town that night.
The Mayor and the Governor were out of town.
People who were trying to evacuate were told it was not time to evacuate and to turn around back into the fire.
No cops on bullhorns. No firefighters in the streets.
Must robust emergency siren system in the world did not sound.
No warnings whatsoever.
Anomalies with reported wind directions that don't scientifically add up.
Tourists evacuated by bus, locals locked in and told they can't get back in if they leave.
School was canceled. Children were home while parents worked.
Hundreds of children burned alive. Can't be identified.
A perfect circle of fire around Lähainä.
Molten metal next to intact trees.
Media reporting FRACTIONS of real numbers.
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more and more questions being asked and not answered, it's deliberate.
Maui Police Department
55 Mahalani Street
Wailuku, Hawaii 96793
Please call the Maui Police Department’s non-emergency number (808-244-6400) to file your report.
(international dialling code)
(808) 244-6400
John Pelletier
Police Department
Title: Chief of Police
Phone: (808) 244-6304
Email - mpd@mpd.net
Categories Telephone
ADA Coordinator (808) 463-3168 TTY: 711
Web Manager
(808) 270-7842
Agriculture, Department of
(808) 270-8276
Corporation Counsel
(808) 270-7740
Risk Management/Worker's Compensation
(808) 270-7535
Board of Ethics c/o Dept. of the Corp Counsel
(808) 270-7742
Charter Commission c/o Dept of Corporation Counsel
Emergency Management Agency
(808) 270-7285
Community Emergency Response Team
(808) 270-7285
County Council
Cost of Government Commission
Office of Council Services
(808) 270-7838
Office of the County Auditor
(808) 463-3192
Office of the County Clerk
Election Matters
Legislative Matters
(808) 270-7748
Environmental Management, Department of
(808) 270-8230
Environmental Protection & Sustainability Division
(808) 270-7631
Abandoned Vehicles & Metals
(808) 270-6102
Recycling Section
Environmental Programming
(808) 270-7631
Solid Waste Division
(808) 270-7875
Solid Waste Advisory Committee
Wastewater Reclamation Division
(808) 270-7417
Finance, Department of
(808) 270-7722
Accounting Administration
(808) 270-7504
Payroll Section
(808) 270-7726
Accounts Payable Section
(808) 270-7727
Division of Motor Vehicles & Licensing
(808) 270-7363
Purchasing Division
(808) 270- 7830
Real Property Assessment Division
(808) 270-7297
Real Property Tax Division
(808) 270-7697
Treasury Division
(808) 270-7496
Maui County TAT Office
(808) 270-7637
Fire and Public Safety, Department of
Administration Offices
Emergency Calls for Fire/Police/Ambulance: 9-1-1
Fire Prevention Bureau
(808) 876-4690
Hana Fire Station
(808) 876-4595
Hoolehua Fire Station
(808) 567-6525
Kahului Fire Station
(808) 270-7911
Kaunakakai Fire Station
(808) 553-5601
Kihei Fire Station
(808) 879-2741
Kula Fire Station
(808) 876-4575
Lahaina Fire Station
(808) 661-4065
Lanai Fire Station
(808) 565-8390
Makawao Fire Station
(808) 876-4570
Napili Fire Station
(808) 669-4300
Paia Fire Station
(808) 876-4545
Pukoo Fire Station
(808) 558-8580
Wailea Fire Station
(808) 874-8520
Wailuku Fire Station
(808) 270-7569
Fire and Public Safety Commission
(808) 270-7560
Housing and Human Concerns, Department of
(808) 270-7805
Early Childhood Resource Coordinator
Grants Management Division
(808) 270-7807
Housing Division
(808) 270-7351
Section 8 Department
(808) 270-7751
Immigrant Services
(808) 270-7791
Office on Aging (MCOA)
(808) 270-7774
(808) 248-8833
Lana'i Senior Center
(808) 565-6818
Moloka‘i Home Pumehana
(808) 553-5241
Senior Services (Kaunoa Center)
Lanai Senior Center
(808) 565-6818
Volunteer Center
(808) 270-7150
Section 8 Rental Assistance Program
Homeless Division
(808) 270-7805
Liquor Control, Department of
(808) 243-7753
Administrative Services Division
Accounts, Audits and Registration
(808) 243-7772
Licensing and Permits
(808) 243-7063
Training and Education
(808) 243-7063
Boards & Commissions
(808) 244-4666
Liquor Control Adjudication Board
(808) 244-4666
Liquor Control Commission
(808) 244-4666
Enforcement Division
(808) 243-7101
Management, Department of
(808) 270-7855
Energy Management
(808) 270-7855
Equal Employment Opportunity Services
(808) 463-3168
Geographic Information Systems
(808) 270-7518
IT Services Division
(808) 270-7842
Information Technology - Computer Operations
(808) 270-7842
Office of the Mayor
(808) 270-7855
Office of the Mayor
(808) 270-7855
Budget Office
(808) 270-7855
Communications and Public Affairs, Office of
Economic Development, Office of
(808) 270-7710
Aquaculture & Marine Sciences
(808) 984-3337
Enterprise Zones
(808) 270-5767
Climate Change, Resiliency & Sustainability (CCRS)
(808) 270-7855
Maui County Business Resource Center (808) 270-5770 (main line)
Kuha'o Business Center
(808) 553-8100
Workforce Development
(808) 270-7710
Maui American Job Center
(808) 270-5777
Community Development Block Grant
(808) 270-7213
Parks and Recreation, Department of
(808) 270-7230
Parks Planning and Development Division
(808) 270-7931
Maintenance Division
(808) 270-7382
Waiehu Golf Course
(808) 986-0208
Recreation Division
(808) 270-7383
Pool Section
(808) 270-6137
Coach Sakamoto Pool
(808) 270-7394
Kahului Pool
(808) 270-7410
Kihei Aquatic Center
(808) 891-4960
Kokua Pool (KCC)
(808) 270-6155
Lahaina Aquatic Center
(808) 661-7611
Upcountry Pool
(808) 463-3236
Wailuku Pool (New)
(808) 270-7411
Wailuku Pool (Old)
(808) 270-7409
PALS and Community Class Programs
(808) 270-7404
Recreation - Central District
(808) 270-6139
Recreation - East District
(808) 876-4508
Recreation - Hana District
(808) 248-7022
Recreation - Molokai District
(808) 553-3204
Recreation - South District
(808) 891-4951
Recreation - West District
(808) 270-4313
Recreation - Lanai District
(808) 565-6979
Recreation - Wailuku District
(808) 270-7980
Personnel Services, Department of
(808) 270-7850
Equal Employment Opportunity Services
(808) 463-3168
Planning Department
(808) 270-7735
Planning Administration
(808) 270-7735
Current Planning Division
(808) 270-8205
Long Range Planning Division
(808) 270-7214
Zoning Administration & Enforcement Division-ZAED
(808) 270-7253
Plan Implementation Division
(808) 270-7214
T19 Rewrite Project - Planning Department
(808) 270-7813
Police Department
(808) 244-6400
Emergency Calls for Police/Fire/Ambulance: 9-1-1
Non-Emergencies & Info Call: (808) 244-6400
Administrative Services Bureau
(808) 244-6315
Investigative Services Bureau
(808) 244-6416
Criminal Investigation Division
(808) 244-6425
Crime Stoppers Program
(808) 242-6966
Juvenile Section
(808) 244-6480
Vice Division - Forfeiture
(808) 244-6475
Support Services Bureau
(808) 244-6415
Communications Section
(808) 244-6375
Community Relations Section
(808) 757-6372
MPD Information Technology - Computer Operations
(808) 244-6354
Motor Pool Coordinator
(808) 244-6385
Motor Vehicle Accident Reports
(808) 244-6345
Police Recruiter
(808) 757-6372
Prisoner Booking & Receiving Desk
(808) 244-6407
Records Section
(808) 244-6355
Road Closure Advisory Line
(808) 986-1200
Personnel Services
Firearms Information
(808) 244-6355
Uniformed Services Bureau
(808) 244-6420
Patrol District-Hana
(808) 248-8311
Patrol District-Kihei
(808) 875-8190
Patrol District-Lahaina
(808) 661-4441
Patrol District-Lanai
(808) 244-6496
Patrol District-Lanai (Alt)
(808) 565-6428
Patrol District-Molokai
(808) 244-6311
Patrol District-Molokai (Alt)
(808) 553-5355
Patrol District-Wailuku
(808) 244-6340
Traffic Section
(808) 244-6344
Vehicular Homicide Unit/DUI Task Force
(808) 244-6344
Community Police Office
(808) 270-6535
Intelligence Unit
(808) 244-6320
Internal Affairs
(808) 244-6325
Police Commission
(808) 244-6440
Radio Shop
(808) 244-6390
Station Locations
MPD Morgue Office
(808) 463-3833
Prosecuting Attorney, Department of
(808) 270-7777
Appellate and Forfeiture Division
(808) 270-7630
Circuit Court Division
(808) 270-7630
District Court Division
(808) 270-7787
Family Court Division
(808) 270-7690
Felony Screening Division
(808) 270-7688
Investigative Division
(808) 270-7777
Victim Witness Assistance Division
(808) 270-7695
Legal Aid Society of Hawaii 808-242-0724; 800-499-4302
Criminal Injuries Compensation Commission 808-984-2400, ext. 71143
Public Works, Department of
(808) 270-7845
Development Services Administration
(808) 270-7379
Building Permits Section
(808) 270-7250
Building Inspection Section
(808) 270-7375
Building Plans Review Section
(808) 270-7236
Civil Construction and Inspection Section
(808) 270-7242
Subdivision Section
(808) 270-7252
Electrical Permit and Inspection Section
(808) 270-7255
Plumbing Permit and Inspection Section
(808) 270-7368
Engineering Division
(808) 270-7745
Construction & Building Maintenance
(808) 270-7747
Planning & Design Section
(808) 270-7434
Engineering Services Section - Traffic
(808) 270-7437
Land Management
(808) 270-7745
Highways Division
(808) 270-7869
County Cemeteries
County Cemeteries -Burial Allowed
County Cemeteries-No Burials
Veterans Cemetery Maintenance and Burials
Garage Services
Garage Services-Hana
(808) 876-4592
Garage Services-Lahaina
(808) 270-4366
Garages Services-Lanai
(808) 565-7086
Garage Services-Makawao
(808) 572-3413
Garage Services-Molokai
(808) 553-5106
Garage Services-Wailuku
Highway Division District Offices
District Office- Hana
(808) 876-4590
District Office-Lahaina
(808) 270-4370
District Office-Lanai
(808) 565-7086
District Office-Makawao
(808) 876-4535
District Office-Molokai
(808) 553-3222
District Office-Wailuku
(808) 270-7443
Reporting Problems
Reporting/Road Drainage/Flood Problems
Reporting Site Distance Problems
Reporting Street Light Problems
Reporting Street Trees and Median Problems
Reporting Traffic Sign & Pavement Marking Problems
Reporting Traffic Signals Problems
Civic Center Maintenance Hana: (808) 876-4590
Construction Equipment Operator Training Services
(808) 270-7869
Flood Control and Maintenance
Municipal Parking Lot Maintenance
New Vehicle Specification Preparation
(808) 270-7869
Soil Erosion Control Facility Maintenance
Traffic Signs & Markings
(808) 270-5709
Traffic Signal Maintenance
(808) 270-7910
Kalana O Maui Building Services Custodians
(808) 270-7769
Molokai Baseyard
Transportation, Department of
(808) 270-7511
Maui Bus Schedule Information (5:30 a.m.-10 p.m.)
(808) 871-4838
Water Supply, Department of
24-hours Operations Trouble Calls (All Areas)
(808) 270-7633
Customer Service
(808) 270-7730
Accounting/Fiscal Services Division
(808) 270-7781
Board of Water Supply
(808) 270-7304
Engineering Division
(808) 270-7835
Field Operations-Hana
(808) 248-8455
Field Operations-Kahului
(808) 270-7633
Field Operations-Lahaina
(808) 661-4141
Field Operations-Molokai
(808) 553-3531
Press Release Information
(808) 270-8046
(808) 270-7340
(808) 270-7305
Water Resources & Planning
(808) 463-3110
(808) 270-7301
Plant Operations-Kahului Office
(808) 270-7551
Water Treatment Plant Operations - Kahului
(808) 270-7380
Water Treatment Facilities
Kamole Weir
(808) 579-8352
(808) 669-3885
(808) 249-1560
Olinda (Upper Kula)
(808) 572-6136
(808) 667-4349
Water Bill Payments
(808) 270-7730
LGBTQ+ Liaisons
For decades they voted democrat. I guess the Obamas want a riot. Will the people "accommodate" them? Time will tell, but I won't hold my breath. The blue states will go first. At least the red states will fight back... maybe.
do not forget that opera and a couple of others are in on this same shitshow...
These corrupt cunts, need to be executed.
Well, you voted for this shit... enjoy. Maybe vote correctly now, but does it really matter when they cheat so obviously?