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Publicado en 12 Jan 2025 / En Otro
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WMHarrison94 3 meses hace

I disagree. Hermaphrodite comes ftom Hermaphroditus, a Classical example of a hermaphrodite or borned Tranny.

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WMHarrison94 3 meses hace

I did not know Aphrodite had the five pointed star or Venus. Luciferanism and/or Satanism have the five pointed star pointed down as its face: the chin, two ears, two horns... like the satyr Pan. Poor little mischievous Pan who just liked to fuck the bitches and nymphos and got pegged as the Beast. Pan actually represents our wilder nature unrestarined by customs and laws... Still one of my favorite mythological characters. So, Venus is a mermaid... That gives a whole new meaning to her clamshell, both of them as Aphrodite "born of the waves." Now, I know there are obscure mentionings of technologically advanced people living in the sea or under the sea Tecknos I believe they are referred to... that is an area we need to delve into as for research...

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Ozmosis 3 meses hace

Im trying to find videos about native americans talking about the ant people who live underground i.e. the grey aliens and the reptillians who helped some the tribes escape the flood by going underground.

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WMHarrison94 3 meses hace

@Ozmosis: I believe I hesrd Coast to Coast do tjat interview with the author of a recently released book at the time.

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WMHarrison94 3 meses hace

So, I guess the power of The Gods, God El Elohim of Israel and His Wife the Tree of Life Ashereh and Christ God El in Cosplay, that power is our male phallus. The penis is the giver of life as GrecoRoman philophers philosophized... So... maybe it's true. Other species, Lizard people and Mermaids, want our semen... I find myself asking the Gods as we discover more Truths, is any of the characters or "monsters" in Fairy Tales and myths not real and only imaginery? Just saying, I keep finding physical examples that fit or match say even "conditions" which appear to be or at least the fact below or behind the myth or monster.

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Ozmosis 3 meses hace

Well, think about legends and fairtales like this right because the question that should be asked is why do so many cultures around the world share similar stories and legends of Fairies,bigfoot,mermaids, gnomes,elves, and other mytholgical beasts. For example, the natives also have legends and storie about fairies but the native americans dont call them fairies they call them the little people and even africans have legends of elves it makes you question the nature of our reality.

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Ozmosis 3 meses hace

also forgot to add in giants plenty of legend stories around the world about giants.

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WMHarrison94 3 meses hace

@Ozmosis: The giants are real. We died (American soldiers) to and killed some in Afghanistan. Now, I think it was you or perhaps Keeper uploaded a video about a guy claiming the Biblical Nephilim and the Greek Nephele were the same: Nephele was a cloud clone of Hera created because some mortal or demihod was absolutely obsessed with sleeping with her and fell in love; so Zeus the cheater god made Nephele to satisfy and deceive the dude. This guy, I believe he was an academic or independent researcher, said they were the same event and even quoted numbers of live interspecies experiments or hybridization like Mothman being one. I forgot what he quoted, but it appeared to make the Bible once again more literally. I myself have discovered tjat Plato's Atlantis (Spain) and Biblically Moses' Exodus are the same event inder Pharaoh Ahmose I while Santorini or Greek Thera island erupted or its cap exploded creating the Ninth Plague of Darkness and after a muddy landside the Tenth Plague of Death of the First born (and all the cattle). Carbon monxide trapped under the water tension was released and "Death" affected the Egyptians. The Hebrews after putting lamb blood crosses on their doorframes, they were up all night packing and celebrating. Apparently the halfman, half bull Minotaur with its bull headed man and the Biblical one more like a centaur but a bull instead of a horse er Malok I think? I know the Middle Eastern neighbors of the Hebrews worshipped it.

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WMHarrison94 3 meses hace

Well, yeah the owl is connected with Athena or the "evil" Owl Lady of the Night, I want to say Inanna to the Babylonians, I'd need to double check that. There two goddesses with I and n... closely spelled. It is a popular carved relief shared alot online...

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WMHarrison94 3 meses hace

Yeah, the symbols speak to your subconscious without you knowing, your conscience self.

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Ozmosis 3 meses hace

Yes, symbols are always used for propaganda and mind control even color coding using specific colors together like mcdonalds arches using red and yellow kinda invokes a hungry feeling.

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WMHarrison94 3 meses hace

@Ozmosis: Yeah, cors and music: That's why I call them frequencies... of light, the hues, and sound, the compression waves: They are used in seduction. That's how I learned of them, and then realized, they used for mass disinformation. Remeber NAZI like Dark Brandon?

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WMHarrison94 3 meses hace

Hmm, good chats. I hope that Coast to Coast mentioning aids in you finding that video. I remember hearing it.

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