Disney president Karey Burke is the 2nd Pedo Faggot I Like to strangle until its eyes pops out.
Published on 02 Apr 2022 / In
Film & Animation
Disney president Karey Burke says, "as the mother of one transgender child and one pansexual child," she supports having "many, many, many LGBTQIA characters in our stories" and wants a “minimum of 50% of characters to be LGBTQIA and racial minorities.”
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My kids are fucking queer..... and 95% of the time, it's thanks to mums fucking bullshit brainwashing.
One rope, One stool, and One shove.
I am not against REAL and GENUINE gay kids or gender dysphoria, or REAL trans kids....
This is just they way it really is for some people.
I am just totally against these fucking parasites, especially "THE WOMEN" fucking with their kids heads and then sexually mutilating the children with gender changing surgery.....
I also think all the people in the clinics doing these things to UNDER AGE CHILDREN, should have their throats cut.
You psycho fucking monsters.
OMG is this woman for real!!! what a piece of work
theres going to be no soldiers fighting in a war against mericaland by their enemies.it'll be straight away nuke the fucking queer pedo bastards
F'ing degenerate. No wonder her kids are fucked up.
This is sick shit! Disney should be FORCED to pay a steep price for this faggot shit!