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Dispelling the myth is our priority in 2023

Published on 01 Jan 2023 / In Film & Animation

2023 is a great time to start unraveling the BULLSHIT into workable Despelling unit's. I'm just 67, I still have my own teeth and a nope of long hair, (I was bought up in the 60's)! lol!. I was born in the 1955 a time of Heavy industry and Smog's or (Peas Soupers) as they were called. I've Driven car's and riden motorcycles a good part of my life. Ive used aerocol can's, and chemicals to wash my habds with. YET! Here am I srtill standing with No resperatory issues as I never smoked. I think the Vaccine for the LIE that is or was Covid is wqhat they will suddenly change tack and blame Co2 by planting the mythos od the deaths and crap on The Myth of Global warming because it is a MYTH, infact one of the biggest CON tricks ever played ,on Humanity and for what? Money. 2023 has to be the year WE Humanity start seriously looking into the SCAM not the FEAR and THREATS they push, SCIENCE thanks to the Covid Scam is truly DEAD now in my opinion? I'm not following the Science anymore (not that I did anyways), I'm following my gut feeling, my Intuition. We have all been fooled for far to long now. We need to rise up. but how you may say? what can we do? Well1 It's simple, you go hit them in the pocket or profit margin. Stop buying into the latest iPhone with an extra red button that actually does pretty much NOTHING, You save or repair your white good's, you Must ghet away from TV, OK have a TV to watch movies like DVD's on BUT not to be Programmed, they don't call the content PROGRAMINGT for nothing, don't let the black mirror scring screen run your life,above all think for YOURSELF as toi wgat YOU do with your life and don'tr ALLOW them to control YOU. Peace

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