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Diversity & Inclusivity

Published on 14 Aug 2022 / In Film & Animation

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hqwebsite 3 years ago
Diversity wasn't this woke back then.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 years ago

Not in comparison with Woke today

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mrghoster 3 years ago

Nicely said. REAL MEN have or own NO obligation to a femon for anything unless he sells his soul via marriage to the evil one's! My life is full of goodies and they are all for me and a femon will not and cannot be fitted in there in anyway or form. They are surplus to requirement and no longer a part of my paradigm. I've bee asked if the SHTF tomorrow for REAL, would I help a femon? Well actually NOPE! as I say I'm not obiged to offer any assistance. They have made it clear for decades they don't need a MAN or MEN, so tough, rather than have to carry that baggage that would sell you out for the smallest of reason's I would sooner feel safer by ending it's interference right their and then.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 years ago

They are completely obsolete

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mrghoster 3 years ago

Remember that thing"Femons need MEN like a fish needs a Bicycle"? Well today's femon Today MEN have the bicycle with WHEEL's and you can go a long way on a bike with wheels, The femon has the exercise bike without wheels that goes nowhere, and they are to FAT to use it! lol! As for where the FISH fit's in? I'm stuill working on that, but we are talking femon logic - or lack of it here! lol!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 years ago

Femons couldn't run a piss up in a brewery

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mrghoster 3 years ago

All of this is down to Gynocentrism. It was the Femon that let government get a hold with little government rights and treatys tyo butter them all up. Government has taight them to hate MEN via Feminism. Femonism is by the way a construct of Government. The very Word Govern means to "Restrict" like having a governor on a Carburetor to restrict speed in a car, or to Govern Machines so they don't go out of control. The femon with a few bribes fell for it hook line and STINKER1 The time is now here and we see it everywhere when the femon is NOT getting it's own way especially with MEN. REAL MEN have moved on and developed their lives and lifestyle where they can please themselves because they certainly cant please femons anymore. And as REAL MEN get better at pleasing themselves they find they don't need femons at all! the are many things and interest out their that excite and inspire outside of a tingle in your balls and the hunt for a Vagina, and all these things can be positive for REAL MEN and theirs not a femon tit or pubic hair in sight! lol! I have so many interest's that if I get a little bored with one I move to another, sometimes I have 3 or 4 on the go at a time, just like femon Hypergamy but with resuklts and satisfaction! lol! MY personal DIVERSITY IS all about ME and in a positive, nice way for my own satisfaction. Everything that MAN (not femon) has created that we have today has come from the individual and not a collective. Terams may go on to develop many individual isea's into something great, but sadly thay just isn't gonna' happen today anymore. Current Governments want to Control us, but with control come's responsibility, something they lack and have forgotten. If you fail to be responsible for YOUR actions then control will only work so far? and they are doomed to fail because they only assume everyone is brainwashed from theiur prayer sheet, but that is a delusional to think that? People will only follow so far then say "What's in it for me" I've given you this what are you giving in return? That is when the breaking point will really start.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 years ago

Well said buddy, nice to see a real man use his logical brain

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