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Divine - You Think You're a Man - 1984 - Read Pinned Comment.

Published on 21 Mar 2023 / In Film & Animation

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I liked the fun boppy song... I like the theatrics of a big fat faggot in blue dress and a wig, doing the whole performance - "Oh how outrageous" etc.. LOL - He tripped a lot of people right out.....

But it's imortant to not write everyone off completely - this guy added some levity to my life in a very dark period of my early days.

Father was a fucking prick, my parents had divorced, I liked the song - completely oblivious to the song writers life and relationship skills, and my father fucking hated him - which was good. The enemy of my father is my friend - or so I thought.

The wisdom of hindsight has proven that my father had some geniune reasons for disliking "Divine" and all his fat faggotry and bullshit... However I just liked the song minus the deeper insights.

BUT - as far as the big picture, there is so much about this guy, and his relationships AND the content of this song - as in this HUGE big fat bucket of shit, is calling the guy who left him "a loser" and "not man enough to satisfy him" - I mean what is fucking wrong with this bullshit portrayal.

So when the song is just sung along with and enjoyed as a production, it's great.

But when you think about this guys life and the lyrics of this song - it's really fucked up, toxic bullshit...

I dont want to know about it.

So singing along and tapping the toes, is about as far as my endorsement goes.

You think your a man but your only a boy,
You think your a man but your only a toy,
You think your a man but your only a boy,
Because you weren't man enough to satisfy me

If you don't think about any of the issues, and brainlessly sing along - it's quite a fun song that rhymes, sounds good, and has a fun disco beat.

It's also a superb "Crowd Sing Along" song.....

So I am grateful for this - in a very blinkered, narrow, tunnel vision, kind of a way.

It's a really great song.

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