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DIY HSS Router Bits

Published on 15 Aug 2024 / In Film & Animation


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Leader_Desslok 7 months ago

on the other hand you could just go and buy a slotting bit for your router . seems like a lot of work and you ruin a perfectly good drill bit .

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Yeah but who knows where this person is, how far the tool supply place is, and how much the slotting bit is, and how often they are going to use it..... AND the time taken to reprofile a drill to use as a slotting bit. AND there is all the time and resources and expenses used to get a slotting bit..... Personally I was very impressed at the reprofiling job that he did and how well it worked. He is really good at it - AND - he showed us all, how to make a good useable router bit, that can probably be resharpened a few times too.

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Leader_Desslok 7 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: all true ! some of these 3rd world people are very clever and skilled !

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@Leader_Desslok: I try to think in terms of, "WHY is the guy doing this?" People generally speaking, only tend to do things for a good reason. I have no idea of the location and the pricing of router bits in his area... BUT he has a cutting disk to hand and he also had a chain saw sharpening stone, and his "by eye" grinding, that is as good as or even better than me..... It looked to be pretty much exact and spot on. (or exact enough - mostly it comes down to practice from doing) ....Maybe they are also really close to the break even point....

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