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Do Feminists Ruin Your Country? - MGTOW

Published on 04 Feb 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Red Walker Kindle Edition

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Scott Allen the author of the book Red Walker and it takes place in a future where women rule America and only about ten percent of the population is male and most guys are there to fix home appliances and other machines. It's a world where men never tell jokes because they are likely to give offense to someone, or insult the powerful, resulting in punishment. Except, of course if those jokes are about men. It's obviously a work of fiction. I'll review the book in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia: Anyways now back to the clown world show. The book Red Walker follows the main character Dana. He lives in a boarding house for men that are unpaid servants for the state and has a roommate named Rowan that escapes. This book takes place around fifty years into the future in a dystopian gynocentric America. Men are monitors by a group called Male Control and have cameras on their electronic permanent collars to video record what they are up to. Dana's room mate Rowan couldn't be seen escaping on camera because Dana was facing the wall with his camera recording the wall instead of the escapee. Dana's collar surveillance hardware is installed at the age of 13 like all boys. Rowan was the first man to ever remove it successfully. The hardware they wore zapped them with an electric shock if they tried removing it. Rowan also escaped with a backpack of supplies. This is also a world where men aren't allowed to put on too much weight or muscle so they aren't a physical threat to women or have too much energy. Most of their diet is probably soy lattes along with estrogen capuchinos. It's a world where women are afraid of men and try to control them. There are male control officers around to make sure men do what they are told to do. Dana our main character is a slave fixing appliances in women's homes. The story takes place in a time when Mexico the Patriarchal society is attacking the United States and is more free than gynomerica. I guess that life imitates art as the Mexican President is now fighting against the censorship of speech in present day America. Dana is also not allowed to watch the media or tv but the woman he fixes her appliances and she lets him listen. The TV propaganda says that once the escaped men are freed by the Mexican government they take their suppression technology off and go out raping women. Dana learns that in Southern Texas there are free men with weapons breaking other men free and that gynomerica is losing the war. Dana goes to a military barracks with female soldiers and one of the female soldiers in a platoon struggle snuggles him. Even though in their society sex between a man and a woman was defined as rape. He learns the state is trying to make humans sexually dymorphic the other way around with women being bigger and stronger than men. Chapter seven in the book is called donation day. Dana and none of the other men have work assignments that day. Men are only fertile once a month after the suppressor drug is administered and that's when the state forces the sperm out of them for procreation. Almost like a reverse period. Blake becomes the replacement for Rowan and he repairs view screens made in Texas.

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SoloMan 4 years ago

@Keeper - The photo you have there, looks like Hayden Panettierre.

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ExperimentalGroup 4 years ago

No, but they ruin it. Unfortunately, the powers that be listened to their insanity to longer than they should and the country is basically fucked now. The bright side is feminism doesn’t flourish in hard times.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

the women in the thumbnail looks like that chick in that old TV show Heroes.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

oh, my bad, she looks like her, but i don't think it's her.

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csehszlovakze 4 years ago

I just hopped on to look up a few ppl... you're considered right wing but Stardusk is center... WTF?

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TFMsCousinDre 4 years ago

Just bought the book, thanks Sandman.

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