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Published on 18 Jul 2020 / In How-to & Style

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Councilof1 5 years ago  

I never would've expected those responses. Interesting result's.

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Goat37436 5 years ago

What surprised you the most? I am actually curious and i want to see what others thought beforehand.

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Councilof1 5 years ago

@Goat37436: I thought that the racial bias/preference towards certain women wouldn't have been so pronounced.

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Goat37436 5 years ago

Is interesting right. One would never had know if they only looked at absolutist right info on interracial dating. In the us the largest interracial dating group is white men and asian women.

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Councilof1 5 years ago

@Councilof1: For example in my own case I tended to pursue women I found attractive regardless of skin color.

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Goat37436 5 years ago

Same too.

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5 years ago

@Councilof1: the race is more than a skin colour. It's features, bone structures, muscle mass, hairs, facial forms, lips, nose, height, and even psychology.

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Goat37436 5 years ago

@RougeAxis: a pretty woman is a pretty woman regardless of race.

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5 years ago

@Goat37436: the question here is not if a pretty woman is a pretty woman, which is obvious, but in which race attract the most. We all know that white women and men are at the top of the racial looks hierarchy.

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Goat37436 5 years ago

@RougeAxis: i never questioned that pal i was speaking for myself

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AMNAT 4 years ago

I cannot bring myself to finish watching that cringe-fest. In my experience, lab-like settings like that isn't how people meet each other. Plenty of black women work where I work where it's mostly a sausage fest and thus the less interaction problem is solved. Humans will find what they want when they just look for whatever it is. Granted the COVID-19 quarantine isn't making that any easier...

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Think or Die
Think or Die 4 years ago

we must remember that "upbringing" is a load-baring factor as well. Example - a woman from her native land is a different creature than an identical clone American raised. The problem today (as I warn my sons) is that the rough parts of the "American Experience" is broadcasted worldwide.

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PRICK 4 years ago

L.M.F.A.O. I'll pass.

If it's got tits, or tires it's gonna cost you.

Monk for life.

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Pariah 4 years ago

I'm not even surprised to any of this. I'd be surprised if middle eastern women weren't mentioned. Have you ever seen one without their fully body veils? You're missing out, that's all I can say.

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