Do You Live In North Korea
Published on 22 Dec 2024 / In
Film & Animation
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Government trying to depress ME doesn't work at all, I'm an OLD SOUL, I know the game and I turn every piece of BULLSHIT to my advantage where I can. Fake doom and Gloom actually inspires ME and has done for a long time now. Literally NON of the bullshit has over time effected me one little bit, because I KNOW it's all BULLSHIT. If they implemented this stuff in reality the government would actually be the first to fall as business and the flow of money for their plans would stop rolling in. Think about it logically for a few minutes and you WILL see exactly what I mean? I love a challenge in life it makes life worth living deceiving the deceivers!
Take cover folks "STORM BULLSHIT" is on it's way again and will destroy any mind that believes it! lol! Stasi Starmer has got his teeth into the media, just look at the BBC who banned the Christmas Starmer Song that would have cheered many up for a laugh! lol! I expect that QUIEER Starner had a very GASY Christmas with his friend Lord (take it up the) Ali! lol!
Sounds like America , but America is getting better.. hard not to notice the US killing off Americans overseas,, wshile flooding our borders with foreign trash..
The cancer of cultural Marxism has infected all, ghost. Cheers, the gremlins of today are feminist Marxists…. Just don’t piss on them…