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Doctors protest over pay and working conditions in Peru

Published on 20 Mar 2024 / In News & Politics

Healthcare professionals held strikes across Peru, including Lima, calling for improvements in the public healthcare system and working conditions. The 24-hour strike was held as Peru grapples with a surge in cases of dengue fever.

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Toki 11 months ago

So it's a group of overweight people demanding more pay? How much does the real workforce in Peru get paid? The people who feed them, clothe them, provide energy, fix their streets, etc.
Healthcare industry has proven itself as fraud especially over the last 5 years or so. Not sure how bad Peru is compared to obvious problem countries riddled with fraudulent wealth-driven college grads who are trained to sell Pharma products. Instead of truly helping people resolve long-term medical issues.
They focus more research and development on cosmetic surgery, abortions, and liposuction for extra gains. Proving how they prey on the unfit, many elderly, and mental health problems for profit. A Vanity-driven industry with a Vain collection of doctors and nurses who can't even eat less to help rising food costs.
They could obviously slow down the Gluttony a bit if you ask me. Could they maybe improve their own health and promote other people to follow by their god-status medical degree? If they are underweight and requesting more pay then I might understand more.
In my country I'm nearly underweight and I skip eating to save income. While simultaneously losing half my income to taxes for other people's college debt and such. People who are 2 to 4 times my body weight by the way. They need more pay though I'm sure correct? How about a free Ferrari and Maui mansion? Would they be happy then? No they would immediately want a private jet and yacht next.
Unlike them I have a pitiful income with zero debts. They need to learn to accept the world they created with their own selfish decisions. Lots of women there of course. The economy and evil medical industry they created. Learn 2 fast. Or will they wait until global Govs introduce food rationing to stop climate change these doctors and nurses probably support? No not my gasoline engine Ferrari paid for by hustled suckers of medical fraud!
When you think about patients, doctors, and nurses are peas in the same pod. All sinking in debt irresponsibly living in excess they can't afford. While being quite wealthy compared to someone just as important, but not worshiped. I wonder how much the slaves in China get paid to assemble medical equipment? Why aren't they on strike? Good thing doctors and nurses are "voting" themselves the same future right?

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